New chapter

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This has a few different POVs in it!

Bella’s point of view:

How could Jasper play me like that? I thought he cared about me. My chest was ripped open just like when Edward left. My door burst open as sobs wracked my body. Cold arms wrapped around me. “Bella, don’t listen to Rose. She’s trying to hurt you so you won’t want to be a vampire anymore.” Jasper’s breath tingled my neck as he spoke.

“She hates me! She said you weren’t over Alice and that you’d never love me.”

“That’s funny considering I’m already starting to fall for you.” He whispered and kissed my lips very lightly and very quickly. “I just didn’t want to push you if you weren’t ready to move on from Edward."

I smiled at Jasper. “Edward can go jump off a cliff. I deserve better than him.” I moved a little closer to Jasper, slowly. “And I’m falling for you too.” I watched as he breathed in deeply before moving closer to my face. I was looking at his gorgeous gold eyes and occasionally his luscious lips as he got closer. His lips were so close to me now…

Edward’s point of view:

Jasper moved closer to Bella and I could tell by her face that she wanted a kiss from him. He moved closer and placed his lips on hers. It started getting deeper and Bella was losing air. Jasper pulled away and Bella gasped. “Your eyes,” she whispered.

“It’s okay. I’m not hungry, well at least not for blood.” He flirted with her. Bella brought him down to cuddle with. “Be my girlfriend?”


I growled at Alice’s vision. HOW DARE HE MOVE IN ON BELLA! Alice was looking out her window now, wishing she would have interrupted their building relationship sooner. “YOU KNEW?”

“Course I knew, but you said you loved me! You told me you were over her and I’d never want Jasper again, but look, you’ve gotten bored with me. You don’t touch me. You don’t love on me. You won’t even talk to me. So tell me something. Why the hell did I leave Jasper for you?” She screamed at me.

It was true. Our little relationship didn’t last long. We didn’t sleep together. We didn’t talk to each other. We didn’t touch each other. Hell, we didn’t even hunt together. Emmett gave up on us and went to find his wife.

“That’s it, Edward. I’m going back to Carlisle and Esme if they will take me back.” She zipped out of the room and I was left on my own.

Rose’s point of view:

I was sitting on Charlie’s couch when the front door of the house burst open. My husband was in front of me immediately. “Rose, I’m so sorry. Words can’t describe how much I missed you, how much I love you, and how sorry I am.” I didn’t let him finish before I kissed him. I’d missed him so much.

”My monkey man, I’ve seriously missed you.” I mashed my lips to his and was rewarded by a moan, deep in the back of his throat. “Take me home?”

“I don’t think I could wait any longer to hear you say that.” He picked me up and we ran out of the house and were at our own within two minutes. Next we were in our room. I should pause to tell you that this is not the Cullen’s house. This is specifically just for Emmett and me since we liked to enjoy ourselves. It was a small log cabin. Our bedroom had a four poster bed with a silver comforter on it and fluffy, down feathered pillows.

Emmett laid me down on the bed and took his sweet time kissing every inch of my body. I returned the gesture and happily rolled us over so I could kiss him thoroughly all over. “I love you, Rosie Posie.” He sighed and played with my hair.

“I love you too, Em bear.” We became passionate quickly and I think we both enjoyed ourselves to the point of exhaustion since we decided to ‘nap’ afterwards.

Okay, it's short, but it's a filler. We've had horrible, dangerous storms lately and I haven't been able to write. Also, I'd really appreciate some criticism or encouragement on my writing. I love the number of comments I'm getting, but things like 'LOVE IT UPLOAD SOON' doesn't really help me know what to improve on or what you'd like to see happen so please comment and enjoy.

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