Bella's depression

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Jasper’s point of view:

“So tell me Bella, how do you feel about Jasper?” Rose asked her and I watched her flush. Her emotions spiked drastically. Bella looked at me and then back to Rose.

“He’s a pretty great guy. Any girl would be lucky to catch his attention.” She replied and went back to moving around the kitchen.

“Do you like him?” Rose bugged her further.

Bella put her plate down and sighed. “The only lucky girl I want to catch his attention is me.” She spoke calmly and went back to fixing herself a plate of food. Rose looked at me as I walked over to Bella and wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her close to me.

“Isabella, you are the girl that has my attention and I don’t see that changing.” I whispered to her. She cuddled closer to me and I felt her sigh deeply.

Bella continued working even with my arms around her. Suddenly she stopped. “Jasper, I need you to go outside a minute. Please just do it.” Her words weren’t harsh, more urgent than anything so I obeyed and went outside. Rose was already standing there.

“She cut herself.” Rosalie told me and came to stand next to me. “Why don’t you go hunt and I’ll stay and make sure she’s okay?” I nodded and headed for the woods that surrounded Bella’s house.

While I hunted my mind drifted away from Bella to my first love, Alice. She was everything I ever wanted. Cuddle-size, happy personality, loving, gentle, and pretty amazing when it came to knowing what I wanted physically. Bella, well she didn’t know anything. Sure she was loving, but most of the time he emotions were whack and she was taller than Alice and she has no practice when it comes to physical relationships. Could I have that kind of relationship with Bella? Why was I even thinking about it?

Rose’s point of view:

Jasper liked Bella, quite a bit, but he told me himself he wouldn’t act on it. Bella was head over heels for him already and I didn’t want her to get hurt by him. Jasper wasn’t ready to move on yet and it wasn’t fair for Bella to be led on by him now that her heart had healed and made room for him. I sent Jasper to hunt so I could talk to Bella and make sure that my thoughts about how she felt weren’t off.

Bella peeked her head out the front door and I saw her smile deflate to nothingness. “It’s safe.” She sighed and held the door open for me. I went up the steps to her house and pulled her along to the living room couch, grabbing her food on the way. “Where did Jasper go?”

I pulled her down to sit next to me and stroked her hair. “He went hunting.” After a pause, I decided it was time to act. “Bella, you really are starting to love Jasper aren’t you?”

She looked at me and beamed. “Rose, I never thought I’d fall in love again, but gosh he’s so amazing!” Bella gushed and sighed happily.

I hated having to say this. “Bella, he’s not over Alice yet. He still loves her. He’s not ready to move on yet.”

Bella looked at me and her eyes watered. “But he said he was over her. He… he…” but she couldn’t speak anymore considering sobs were coming from deep inside her chest. I continued to stroke her hair.

“I’m sorry, Bella.”

While she sobbed and ruined my perfectly amazing shirt, I stroked her hair and tried making her feel better, but nothing worked. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH HER?” The door burst open and Jasper came through.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” Bella sat up and wiped away her tears. Her poor face was red and her eyes were puffy and blood shot. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a bath.” She excused herself and I was left standing in front of an accusing looking Jasper, who looked more vampire now than ever before.

“What did you say to her?” He hissed at me.

“Just the truth, you’re not over Alice and you’re not even ready to think about another relationship, especially not one with her.”  I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Could you imagine sleeping with her? Seriously, what eighteen year old in high school still has their V-card? She must be really bad at relationships. I mean Edward, the one-hundred and nine year old virgin didn’t even get turned on by her.” I was in hysterics now.

Jasper’s fist slammed into my face. I growled at him and leapt, but he was already expecting that and had me pinned down. “Why would you say that to her? She just got over her heartbreak and all you did was make it worse.” The emotions coming from upstairs were quite frightening.

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