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Jasper’s point of view: I know this seems random, but you’ll understand later on.

Renesmee came down the stairs in a bubblegum pink dress with knee high socks and little black heels on. Her curls were in high pig tails on her head with purple bows. No makeup on her face. Obviously, she had dressed herself today. She was so cute! “Hey Reeses,” I used my nickname for her and she giggled while running into my arms.

“Don’t you think you look a little too childish today?” Alice asked with a quirk of her eyebrow.

“I’m a baby girl!” Renesmee yelled. “I dress how I want to!”

“And you look adorable! How about I take you out for pancakes!” She beamed at me and I felt the excitement build inside of her.

Just as we were about to walk out the front door Edward and Bella came in through the back door. That’s right. Renesmee stays in the big house because they can’t control themselves. “Where are you going dressed like that?” Edward asked. He didn’t even compliment her!

“Out to breakfast!” she giggled. I tugged her pigtails.

“Not dressed like that, you’re not. You look like a catholic school girl, trying to get laid!” Edward yelled. Bella agreed with him.

Renesmee looked at herself and I felt how distraught she was. “I thought I looked cute.” Tears started down her face.

“Well you don’t. You look like a slut.” Bella spoke. She took Edward’s hand and walked out the door they just came in through. Renesmee was tugging on the bottom of her dress while a frown etched itself onto her face. Her lower lip quivered and more tears slid down her cheeks. I could feel her self-esteem level shrinking along with her happiness. Ugh, her parents tick me off beyond belief. They don’t seem to realize that she’s only three.

“I think you look fabulous and I would like to take you out to breakfast. Come on, Princess.” I picked her up in my arms and walked out to my car. Unlike everyone else’s cars, mine was a little more family friendly. I put her in the passenger seat and seat belted her in.  When I was sitting next to her, she looked at me.

“Do you really think I’m a princess?”

I smiled and kissed her nose. “I think you’re the best princess ever. I love you.”

“I love you too, daddy.” She sighed. Renesmee and I had a special connection and for years now she has wished I was her daddy instead of Edward. Bella and Edward haven’t been in her life much. They’re too wrapped up in married life to even spend time with their daughter. If she wasn’t with Jacob then Renesmee was with me. We’d go to the park or the movies or just sit together playing guitar. This isn’t the first time she’s called me daddy either. It’s happened on countless occasions. Now though, after seeing how life is for her, I sort of wish I could adopt her.

We pulled up at IHOP and were seated quickly. “Can I have chocolate chip pancakes?” Renesmee asked me hopefully.

“Sure thing, sweetie,” I smiled at her childish ways. When the waitress came I ordered a black coffee and the pancakes for Renesmee. It was obvious to me that the waitress was lonely and wanted some male company. I politely turned her down and sent her to get our order. Renesmee and I chatted about everything and anything.

“Uncle Jasper, do you think Jacob ever loved me?”

“I think he did, but maybe his wolf-ness needed him to be with someone else.”

“What do you think of Seth?”

I felt her emotions spike at his name and tried to hide a smile. “I think he’s a nice young man. Why? Do you like him?”

“I don’t know. I always thought Jacob would be my guy. I never let myself like anyone else.” She sighed and stuffed the last piece of pancake into her mouth.  “Do we have to go home now?”

“’Fraid so, but how about we go play guitar if you want?”

“YES! YES! YES!” she was hopping in place. I picked her up and gave her a piggy back all the way to the car.

My phone chimed and I checked my messages. DON’T BRING RENESMEE HOME! –Alice, was all it said and I peeked at Renesmee.


Jacob and Bella are making out on the couch.-Alice

I read the text and decided to try and talk Renesmee out of going home. “Uncle Jasper, I read the texts.” She sighed again as her emotions plummeted. “Just take me home, I’ll handle this.” I sped home, much to Renesmee’s delight.

The front door was opened and we didn’t wait to go inside. Renesmee shrieked to get everyone’s attention. “I WANT UNCLE JASPER TO BE MY DADDY! I HATE ALL OF YOU! YOU SUCK AS A FAMILY! AT LEAST UNCLE JASPER LOVES ME!”

Tale of Love-Jasper and BellaWhere stories live. Discover now