Sexy Jasper Time

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Bella’s point of view:

… His lips were so close now. I pushed myself forward and met his lips in a sweet kiss. His lips were amazing and it shocked me that he wasn’t very cautious. I leaned back and lay on the bed, pulling him with me. He broke the kiss so I could breathe and moved kisses down my neck. I froze. “Sorry,” he went to move across the room from me and I couldn’t stand the distance and quickly brought his lips back to me.

“You just caught me by surprise.” I explained. “I’ve never done this before.” He smiled

“We’ll go slow.” He whispered and brought his lips back to mine. Our lips moved together gently, but it started getting more passionate. I felt Jasper lightly grind against me and gasped before quickly getting into the kiss again. He didn’t move again, but I didn’t care. My hands ran through his amazingly, soft hair, down his back, and to the bottom of his shirt. Moving my hands to the front of his shirt, I slowly began to un-button it.

One by one his shirt came undone and my eyes fell on a very muscular torso. Not being able to help myself, I ran my fingers down his chest and across his toned six pack. His hands left my hair and went down the front of my shirt, but he paused. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, are you?” I whispered to him.

“Wonderful,” and then his lips were back on mine. I felt his cool fingers trace up my stomach as he moved my shirt up and over my head. As more clothes came off I felt him lightly grind against me again. We were rolling on my bed and I was about to see what the V on his hips led too, but we were interrupted.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?” I heard Edward’s voice as the door slammed open. I was lying in my bra and panties with a boxer clad Jasper over top of me digging his hips into mine. I let out a low moan and look back at Jasper. He smirked and placed his lips at the lace top of my bra. “GET THE FRICK OFF OF HER!” Edward yanked Jasper off of me and it was easy to see how excited he was. Edward growled and jumped at Jasper, making both of them fly through the window.

Jasper’s point of view:

Edward and I flew out Bella’s window and crashed into the tree. We fought for a while. “What are you doing here?”

“Alice left me so I’ve come back to get Bella.” He told me and launched himself towards her room, but I caught him and slammed him back onto the ground.

“She’d never go back to you.”

Edward laughed. “And you think she’ll have sex with you? Yeah right. You probably couldn’t even control yourself long enough to take her bra off.” Edward started laughing at me. Oh hell no!

“Maybe you should ask her what she thinks about this.” I challenged and we went up to her room.

“What are you two doing?” Bella sighed. I noticed her creamy flesh was still very visible and sent her a sexy wink.

“Bella, Edward doesn’t think you want to make love to me. He also doesn’t think I could control myself long enough to finish taking your clothes off.” I informed her. Her emotions peeked and she bubbled with laughter.

“There is no one else I’d rather make love with than you and I’m almost positive you could control yourself.” She arched on the bed. “Why don’t we test the theory?” I was with her in a second and held her closer to me.

“Well if you really want to.” I growled playfully and trailed my fingers across her smooth skin, inching closer to the clasp of her bra.

“Forget it! I won’t stand here and allow you two to do this. You can’t just deflower her!” Edward interrupted again.

“Well then you might want to leave because I’m about to beg him to deflower me.” Bella replied and looked at me. “Please Jasper. I only want you.”

“Anything for my love,” I replied and we continued our kissing and touching. I knew Edward had left right before Bella’s bra snapped off. We were both feeling each other when my phone rang. At first I ignored it, but it just kept ringing. “What?”

“Jasper, how could you do this to me?” It was Alice.

“Go die in a hole.” I replied.

“Come on, at least let me get Bella sexy lingerie before you two get nasty.”

“I really don’t care what she’s wearing. Either way it’s coming off and considering we’re already pretty far along, I’m hanging up now.” I closed my phone and looked at Bella. She was watching me as her eyes blinked slowly and a sexy smile spread across her face. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to make this special for you.”

“Anything you want,” she replied and brought me down to her, kissing me sensually and nipping my lips.

Sorry guys... I don't do sex scenes. If someone else wants to write that part just let me know!

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