Jasper and Bella: Evil

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Okay, I've had issues with comments and WATTPAD has commented on this story warning people about how they comment. SO just to let you know, they are sort of monitoring comments.

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO- Warning for some questionable scenes.

Bella’s point of view:

“Just the freak lover I wanted to see.” Sam growled at me and started towards where Jake and I were standing.

“What she do?” Jacob moved in front of me.

“The whole freaking Cullen family is back. She knew about it and didn’t tell us! I heard all about how you were helping them plan an attack on the imprints all because Jake wanted nothing to do with you. How could you? After everything we’ve done for you, you go and sell us out to the freaks.” Sam yelled. Jacob turned to look at me.

“I didn’t do anything! I knew Alice and Edward were back because they interrupted Jasper and me more than once. We fought with them and haven’t heard from them since. And as for saying I sold you out to them. I haven’t said anything about you to them. I haven’t even seen all of them.So where do you get off on accusing me? You all have been like family to me. Why the hell would I sell you out to the people who hurt me most?” I yelled back.

“Edward told us all about it.” Sam replied.

“Edward is a jealous fool because I’m sleeping with his brother!” Okay, not technically true, but we are sharing a bed.Jacob rolled his eyes at me. “You’ll listen to the leech, but not to me?”I turned and ran back to my truck. Starting it, I peeled out of his drive way and onto the main rode of La Push. I drove towards the reservation entrance and hooked a left, heading for the Cullen’s house. They needed to hear what I had to say and it wasn’t going to wait for Jasper to get there.

There was a loud thump on the back of my truck and I saw Jasper in the rearview mirror. “Do you really think I’d let you go there all alone. Jacob just about had a conniption when you left earlier. He called me right away. So tell me little love, what is your plan?” He asked once he was sitting next to me.

“It might include you ripping Edward to pieces.” I shrugged and he laughed.

“Oh really?”

“Mm,” was all my reply.

“You know your angry look is sort of turning me on.” Jasper mumbled and I almost missed it.

“Really now?” I smirked to myself and kept driving.

Jasper was making circles on the inside of my thigh with his finger and I tried to ignore him, but occasionally I’d shiver if his finger went up a little closer to my sensitive area. Every time a tremor went through me he would chuckle and do it again.

We finally made it to the Cullen’s and I saw Esme picking flowers. I jumped out of the truck and threw myself at her, latching my arms around her. She was my mother figure when Renee wasn’t around. “I missed you, Momma E.”

“I missed you too, Bella Baby.” She hugged me. “Oh, my Jasper, come here.” She grabbed at Jasper and held him close too. “My baby, I’ve missed you too.”

Carlisle ran out the front door and was now hugging all of us. “Jasper, my son, I’ve missed you. What brings you here?”

“Bella, actually,”

We turned to her. “I’m here for your lying, jealous, jack wagon of a son.” I told them. “Edward,” I said sickeningly sweet. He was standing in the door way a few seconds later. I swayed my hips, seductively, as I walked to him. “Oh Edward,” I sighed and watched his smile widen. When I was in front of him, I reached in my back pocket and pulled out a lighter. “How about you and me play a game?” I rubbed against him.

“MM, in front of everyone?” He whispered in a moan.

“How about in your room?” I replied. Jasper hissed and I felt bad, but I had to do this. Edward whisked me away to his room, instantaneously. I was now lying under him as he thrust against my clothed body.

“Bella,” he moaned and continued to dry hump me a little harder and faster. FREAK! I yelled in my head as clothes started coming off. “You’re going to pleasure me Bella and apologize for the pain you put me through.” He grunted. “I’m going to punish you and make you scream.” He was getting turned on the more he talked. His clothes weren’t even covering him anymore.

“You talking dirty?” I asked him.

“Does that excite you?” He whispered and started his thrusts again. What a sick bastard. Trying to jack off on my clothed body. My mind flickered to the lighter I still held and I decided to enjoy myself. I reached down between our bodies and played with his boxer waist band.

“Can I show you how excited I am?” I asked in a sexy whisper. He moaned again as I pushed him onto his back. “Close your eyes. It will be more enjoyable.”

Edward closed his eyes tightly and went limp underneath of me. I smirked as I moved the lighter to his boxers. Oh hell to the yeah. This is going to be great. He was so excited he seemed to have wet himself, literally. “Keep your eyes closed, baby.” I ran my free hand up his thigh and lit the lighter with my other hand. Edward’s underwear quickly caught fire and I got off the bed. He started screaming, but part of him was already on fire. He started screaming and flailing his arms, but I was already running from his room. That’s what the sick bastard gets!

The smell of his burning flesh was nauseating. I almost hit the floor as I ran down the last set of steps, but Jasper was waiting for me. “I think our stay is over.” I whispered to him and we walked out of the house. Carlise and Esme were a little preoccupied in the driveway to notice the world around them. I slipped into my truck with Jasper beside me and started for home.

So? What do you think?

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