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Hey so this is the last chapter, but I'm thinking about a sequel. Most of you will probably send me hate mail, but that's okay because I have something planned.

In reference to why Bella was able to rip apart Alice... well she was just really mad and it was a freak incident.I don't think there were any other questions I needed to finally answer before I end this story, but if you think of one just message me.

Jasper’s point of view:

“Jasper, what do you think about us getting married before I start showing?” Bella asked while placing my hand on her stomach.

I looked at her and smiled. “There is no rush, Bella. We will get married and be together forever.”

She looked at me and bit her lip. “But I want to be with you now. I don’t want people to think I only got married to you because I’m pregnant. I want them to know that it’s because I love you.”

I became upset quickly after that. She’s always worried about what people thing. “Truth is, Bella, we probably would be engaged right now if you weren’t pregnant.” I snapped at her. “You’re so worried what everyone else thinks, but what about you? I know your views on this. I heard all about it from when you were with Edward. Well guess what, it wouldn’t matter one way or the other to me because I want to be with you forever, but you… it matters to you. Did you forget I feel emotions? Did you really think my family would keep secrets from me? I know you are ashamed and embarrassed and that you’re trying to cover up, what you think of as a mistake, by marrying me.” I seethed. “Guess what! It isn’t a mistake. Nothing with you is a mistake. If you are that worried about what people think about you than sure, I’ll rush into a wedding that we won’t have any say in. I’ll take you away for a few months so no one knows about the baby, but you best believe that would be the mistake not the baby.” She was unfazed.

Carlisle had told me about Bella being pregnant the day she had the doctor appointment and then Alice had called to tell me. Bella’s feelings hadn’t been happy at all the day she found out. The embarrassment was waving off of her for days and it really bothered me. Back when she was dating Edward, they talked about marriage and kids and she had a very strong opinion on it. She didn’t want to be pregnant before marriage, but she did want to sleep around. It was annoying. Edward had even taken the time to check Bella’s thoughts, which he found he could do now because of some weird thing going on with Bella’s body, and he told me she was constantly referring to the baby as ‘it’ or ‘mistake’ and that had me on edge. My baby would NEVER be a mistake.

“It is a mistake, Jasper. This whole situation is a mistake. Us being together in the first place was a mistake.” Bella was calm and I could feel the truth coming from her. “Face it. The baby is the only reason you love me and you turning me into a vampire is the only reason I’m with you.”

I took a breath. “I love you because you’re you, Bella because you blush when you’re complimented and you don’t take crud from people. You are sweet, kind, gentle, and compassionate to people who don’t deserve it. That is why I love you. The baby is just a perk. I’ll love he or she as much as I can, but I would love you just the same even if you weren’t pregnant.”

She smiled at me sadly. “I wish I could say the same for you, but I really am only with you because you can change me into a vampire. You’re the one most likely to slip.”

My heart hurt. She lied to me. She said she believed in me, wanted to be with me, wanted to marry me, and she lied! The pain was excruciating. How could she use me like that and not care about my feelings? How was she able to mask her feelings for me with the fake ones?

I slipped the ring of my finger and placed it in her hand. “This is yours. I’m sorry to have been such a mess up in your life.” I went to my room next door and packed my things. I wrote a note to Charlie, thanking him for everything he’s done for me and apologizing for anything that might happen. I put a thousand dollars in an envelope for him and with a sigh walked out the front door and away from the woman that used to be the love of my life and my unborn baby.

Tale of Love-Jasper and BellaWhere stories live. Discover now