Rose likes to mess things up...

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Bella and I have been spending quite a bit of time together. She sits with me in my room or vice versa.  We talked about silly, random things. Stuff to help us know each other’s personalities. Today Rosalie was coming. I was so excited to see her. Bella laughed at me as I bounced in my seat at the little café we went to. She was sipping a Mocha latte and I was drinking normal coffee. “When is she supposed to be here?”

“Right about now,” I told her and sure enough I saw the platinum blood hair that belonged to my sister. “Rose, over here.” I called to her. She smiled and came over. The smile turned a little sour when she saw me with Bella.

“Hey Jazz,” she greeted and hugged me. “What’s she doing here?” Rose asked low enough so that Bella didn’t hear.

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Hey Rose,” Bella smiled.

“Hello Bella,”

I chuckled. “Sit.” She did.

“So Jasper, where are you living?” Rose was worried.

“At Bella’s, she was so kind to ask her dad if I could stay there and he told me I could have the guest room for as long as I needed.”

Rose looked at Bella. “You’re letting him live with you? Aren’t you afraid?”

Bella smiled widely and put her hand on top of mine. “Not a bit, I know he won’t hurt me. I’m still very careful, but he has a lot of control.”

Rose smiled at that. “I’d never think you’d say such a thing. You’ve always been so careful to not be near him.”

“Well, yeah, I was told he’d attack me without second though if I was anywhere near him. I’ve always thought it would be cool to know him though.” I laced our fingers together. It was just something we did now. Rose looked between us. “Oh shoot, I’m running late. I’m supposed to meet with Jake today.”

My happiness dimmed. I didn’t want her to see Jake. He was trying to woo her so she’d date him. Jealousy filled me at the thought of them dating. Why? “Oaky,” I said sadly. “Let me know you get there safe?”

“Always,” Bella replied. “Feel free to raid the fridge at home or whatever. You have the key.” I kissed her forehead and we all said goodbye.

Rose looked at me and smirked. “What’s up with that?”

“With what?” I asked.

“Do you have a thing for her? You look kind of jealous!”

I looked at her. “I don’t really know, Rose. I wish I did, but I just don’t know.”

She hugged me. “Are you upset that she’s going to see Jake?”

“I think I’m jealous.” There were no secrets between us. She sighed.

Bella’s point of view:

I drove to La Push, but wasn’t as excited as I originally was. I wanted to be in Jasper’s arms with his lips on my face… WAIT! WHAT? Where did that come from? Ah, I pulled up outside of Sam’s house, knowing that Jake would most likely be here. Sure enough all the shirtless boys ran out of the house. “Hey,” I called to them. I saw Jake and he ran right to me, picking me up and spinning me. “Jake!” I giggled.

“Bella!” He smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips. I froze. He just kissed me.

The next thing I knew, I was laying on my back on a couch with Sam’s face over mine. “Are you okay, Bella?”

“What happened?”

“You fainted after Jake kissed you.”

“He really kissed me?” I asked. Jake wasn’t in the room.

“Yeah, he did.” Sam told me and I cringed. My best friend kissed me. I don’t feel the same. My life is over. Okay, that was really dramatic. “You okay?”

“Where is he?”

“Ugh, well… he… um…” Sam was stalling.

Jake came through the door and stopped when he saw I was awake. He turned to leave and I stopped him. “Where do you think you’re going? You have answers to give!” He looked at the ground.

“I don’t. I never want to talk to you again. Just go away.” He sneered and ran out. Did my best friend seriously just break up with me? Tears prick my eyes.

“What did I do? I didn’t do anything.” I cried. Sam held me.

“He’ll come around. Part of him is still really emotional from the change he went through?” It sounded like a question and I gave Sam the looks saying I didn’t believe it.

“I’m just going to go.” Sam gave me a little hug and I left.

I drove through the winding, forest roads and just as I reached the last bend before civilization, I saw a tall blonde man standing in the street. It was Jasper. I stopped the car and wished I could stop the tears, but I couldn’t. Jasper opened my door and pulled me into his arms. “I felt your emotions. What happened?”

“Jake, he kissed me and I blacked out and then when I woke up I was at Sam’s and when Jake came in he yelled at me and told me he never wanted to talk to me again and then he told me to go away.” I cried.  Jasper held me close.

“I’m sorry, Bella.”

“I just wish he wouldn’t have freaked. He was my best friend. He was there for me when no one else was.” I explained.

“It’ll be alright, Bella. Now come on, I made dinner.” He told me and brought me into the house. Rose was sitting in a chair at the table and Jasper pulled out a chair for me to sit in while he got dinner onto plates.

“I can’t believe he did that. It was so out of the blue.” I shook my head at the thought of it.

“Not really, he’s been wanting to do that for days.” Jasper told me. I looked at him and shrugged.

“Whatever, he’s kinda weird lately. I just wish he knew that I don’t feel the same about him. Never have.” I watched as Jasper sat down next to Rose.

“So what did you two do while I was gone?” I asked them.

Jasper shrugged, but Rosalie smirked. “Jasper couldn’t stop talking about you.”I glanced at him and he was scowling at his sister. “So tell me Bella, how do you feel about Jasper?”

Tale of Love-Jasper and BellaWhere stories live. Discover now