will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?

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 ❝ Hours before the arranged wedding of Princess Furina, Neuvillette, her servant, helps her to finish getting ready. They can't help but wonder what would have happened if things had been different. ❞

( Neuvifuri Week Day 2: Royalty AU )

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Albino hair slipped through his long, slender fingers; White, as the silk that adorned and clung to the future queen. Dressed as a bride, she applied make-up while Neuvillette combed it.

She looked like an angel. The dress was the only thing Furina could choose, the only thing that was hers in the whole ceremony. It was flamboyant and voluminous, falling elegantly at her sides as she sat.

Neuvillette's heart shrank from the predictable news. He hardly slept at night and barely focused properly on his work now. Furina was to marry the arranged prince they had picked for her.

He was frustrated by the very idea, for it was not what his lady wanted. They lived for the expectations written down before their births. Still, he remembered the conversations and games with Furina like gold.

Though they were princess and servant, it did not stop them from acting their age in private.

Despite the whims of her highness, they became close. The difference in roles became blurred when they spent time together, ever since. In that world of adults, they were the only children once.

Now, they belonged to that unfulfilled group of frustrated dreams. Those who looked back nostalgically, wondering what would have happened if things had been different. Neuvillette hoped to remain by her side until the end of his days. That was his destiny, his duty... And what he wanted most of all.

Raindrops clattered impetuously against the window as the brush filled the silence inside.

Furina remained unconvinced about the idea. He doubted if she had slept because of the way she was applying that nude colour under her eyes. Noticing his gaze, she spoke up at once.

"Do you remember when we used to play prince and knight as children? I was the one who insisted on saving you in every situation."

Memories flooded back. A warmth caught in his chest, accompanied by a faint smile. Neuvillette and her wearing cloaks twice their size, crowns and wooden swords that symbolised their fictitious rank.

"Yes, though we took turns. You've always enjoyed acting in different roles. Born for the arts, Furina."

Your highnesses in private were forbidden, of course.

Furina's gaze darkened. Neuvillette paused his brushing, yet she continued. "Born to be a princess, rather. To marry a man I do not love and be trapped forever within these walls. Perhaps in another life..."

Neuvillette was silent. Every word she spoke fueled his discomfort. With his eyes fixed on her hair, he stroked it.

"The make-up!" She grumbled. "No, no..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's going to get ruined. Come on, I've had it internalised since birth. Why?"

Seeing tears flooding her eyes, dragging make-up with them, made Neuvillette alarmed. Holding his own back, he set the brush aside. With his arms around her neck, he closed his eyes. His face sunk into her shoulder. Before long, he felt her hands clinging to his arms.

"Since you usually keep them to yourself, my princess, they must come out sometimes." He sighed softly. Pausing, he left a kiss on top of her head. "I wish there was something I could do to free you from your cruel fate. I'm nothing more than a servant."

"You are not just a servant. You have always been by my side, no matter how noble or not I acted — No questioning my dreams away from this kingdom. Nor... Treating me only as the heir to the kingdom. Unless... unless you did it because it was your duty, of course."

No, it wasn't just that.

"Perhaps it is to be at your side, but my appreciation and loyalty go beyond what was instilled in me. You are strong, Furina. You really are. How could I appreciate you only for the role you pretend to be?"

Furina stood up immediately, causing Neuvillette to startle. Fearful that he had said something inappropriate, he watched her remove the cancan under her dress with a grunt.

She did not let him approach. The princess manoeuvred for a few long seconds until she succeeded.

After kicking it victoriously, she flung herself into his arms properly. Neuvillette could only hug her back. That seemed to unleash her tears completely.

"I don't want to marry him..." She sobbed. "I want to go with you away from the kingdom. I don't want to rule or be the princess anymore." He distinguished between sighs and ragged breaths.

A tear slid down his cheek. Seeing her like this broke his heart even more. He didn't even give that 'with you' the necessary count or leave there with him.

He remembered something calmed them as children: talking about those unrecoverable, unattainable dreams. Would it work now, perhaps? Neuvillette wanted to think so.

"I wish we could. We'd live... modestly, both working hard during the day to earn our bread."

"Neuvi..." She cried. Also, she attempted to take a couple of breaths before continuing. "Yes... I would have a travelling theatre. You would be my manager."

Neuvillette gently pulled away from her, cradling both cheeks and sliding his thumbs over her to keep the makeup from smudging her beautiful dress. He felt her shudder immediately.

"I would see every one of your works. We would write them together."


"Can you see it, Furina?"

"I can..."

Neuvillette sighed softly, closing his eyes and letting his imagination lead him down another path. He continued to speak to her as he visualised it.

They dressed in modest clothes, middle class. They were children again, and Furina took in a small local theatre. Neuvillette sat in the front row, admiring the performance.

Perhaps they had met as friends, as children in the village. He could see them playing just as they did then, a smile on Furina's face bright and warm.

They grew up together just like in reality, separated by their chores and duties but spending every day together.

After saving enough money, he and Furina embarked on this journey. Neuvillette saw not only physical freedom but also emotional one. Being able to love Furina freely, he even saw his true dreams, ones he had put aside for so long.

How he proposed to Furina, how... They married together. He did not tell her that, for he left it in a hopeful future. He loved her so, so much. But as a servant and princess, he only put his duties before what he truly felt. He admired Furina for being able to admit her true feelings.

He could do nothing but hold her in his arms while his mind constantly chanted: "Don't marry." "If you eloped, I'd go with you without hesitation."

"Do you think... We could be happy in another life? That we'll be together again?"

Neuvillette nodded and looked at her gently, even though he was not strong enough to hold back his tears. He kissed her forehead and admired her reddened face.

"The promise to stay by your side is eternal. I will see to it every time, Furina. Now, I trust you will be the most promising monarch in this kingdom when you succeed your parents. I can do no more... than stand by your side as your humble and loyal serf.."

He hoped she could find her freedom once she was queen. Now... He could only support her from his role.

For whatever Furina said, he was nothing more than a servant.

One mistakenly in love with his princess.

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