Chapter 14 - A Storm Before a Storm

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The sun was setting as the girls decided to get out of the Manor that was pressing down on them for the whole night and the day too. Riddle still hasn't shown himself after his mysterious disappearance during their yesterday's meeting.

Malfoy came back a few minutes later, letting others know it was just a portrait falling off the wall and nothing to worry about.

After that, all of them moved to their corners to digest the events of the day and get some rest for the night. Dirca and Avery disappeared into their bedroom as Avery carried her out of the dining hall while she cried. Emma, Emily and Angeline didn't hang around for too long afterwards too, heading back to their bedrooms to shake off the feeling that meeting brought onto them, the feeling of being puppets in someone else's game having no choice but to do what they are being told to do.

Liese and Laion headed to their bedrooms too, catching up on the much-needed sleep after a sleepless night of running around and killing people for Riddle's sport.

The Death Eaters took it lighter than the girls did, a few glasses of whiskey and their edges were numbed, their feelings thrown into the back of their minds. They were used to the games Riddle played, as this wasn't the worst that could happen, not the worst of what they were used to. Not the worst of what some of them had to do or will still have to do, whenever Riddle decides to bless them with his appearance and explain what is going to happen next.

All of them were finally given back their access to food, going the lengths of the house elves appearing in their bedrooms and leaving plates of food before disappearing once more.

The night stretched long, most of them passed out purely out of the lack of strength, the exhaustion taking over and letting them relax. Some of them couldn't sleep, the suspense being too overwhelming to be able to comfortably sleep, knowing that Riddle is too unpredictable and if this time he decides to pit the failing teams against each other sleeping could only worsen the situation.

As if ironically, the morning was sunny. It was a rare occasion for several sunny days in a row to grace the skies of their region, so most of them decided to enjoy the weather and have their breakfast outside.

Emily, Emma and Angeline sat in garden chairs with their empty plates next to them on the small table, the sun grazing their skin with a warm and not burning heat yet.

"Do you think we are getting answers today?" Emma finished her morning cup of tea, before setting the cup back down on the small table by her side.

"Most definitely not." Emily shrugged, her cup long empty as she toyed with it anyway "Probably wait for us to suffer in the dark, before coming up with another big diabolical plan to conquer a village."

Angeline hid a small smile that curved her lips up, before glancing back at the Manor "I doubt he will show himself again for a few days, so at least we have that."

"Why is that?" Emma looked back at Angeline, not sharing the certainty of the witch in front of her.

"The portrait falling, him getting so... unsettled and taking off in the middle of having his fun. I think something happened and he is going to take care of that first, before remembering we exist." Angeline fixed her light blue gloves, nursing her cup of tea.

"I hope it takes him a while." Emily set her empty cup back on the small table.

"You like it here that much?" Emma gave her a sidelong glance, not quite believing the words the girl next to her just said.

"No, but I would prefer to not be tortured or used an Unforgivable on in the near future, thank you." Emily looked back at Emma, before noticing movement on the garden path seeing Laion and Dirca walking together.

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