Chapter 32 - The Fitting

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Bee Gees - Tragedy 

With barely any days before the even remaining, the women of the Manor faced a very important question. What they were going to wear? They were yanked out of their lives without the privilege of packing a suitcase with clothes and what else they needed, so the only clothing they had available was the one Malfoy Manor greeted them with in the wardrobes of the rooms they were assigned to.

Most of them opened the wooden doors and looked at the variety of black, white and grey clothes most of which were base clothing pieces. Attending a ball in a tank top and suit pants was surely going to make a statement but likely not the one they wanted to make on this occasion.

That was the question they didn't manage to bring up with the Death Eaters or Riddle since their morning started with knocks on their doors that awakened them from their slumber. Their sleep was still rocky, they still sported the dark circles under their eyes but now they at least managed to get some hours of sleep in before they were awakened with one of their nightmares.

Laion didn't want to open the door when she woke up and squinted from the bright light that came from the windows. Someone knocked again, this time more determined to get in. One of her nightmares that often occurred started exactly like this and she knew that if she opened the door she would be faced with Emily's face who would choke her to death again and again.

Yet this time she brought her hand to her arm and pinched her skin. It hurt but the relief was immediate, as she threw the covers off and headed to the door. Who could be bothering her so early in the morning? She had to get her beauty sleep to be at her best at the upcoming Ball. The anxiety she felt about it was enough to keep her from falling asleep, she didn't want anyone to wake her earlier than needed to.

"What do you need? Oh." She started at a witch who even by the looks of her looked like a seamstress, "Who are you?"

A seamstress or not, she was not about to let a stranger she didn't know into her bedroom.

"It's nice to meet you too, Laion," the woman said, the disdain for the witch's manners clearly showing, "I'm Danielle Hunnisett and I'm here to prepare you for the Ball. I doubt you have anything in your wardrobe even remotely similar to a gown."

Laion was stunned speechless as the woman pushed by her and entered the bedroom, setting her bag on the armchair by the side. Only a couple moments later Laion closed the door and after making a face to herself she turned around to face the woman.

"I will take your measurements first and then we can go over the fabric and colours you'd prefer. I have several options for you to choose and we could personalise the details you'd want to change," the woman gestured for Laion to move into the free spot in the middle of her bedroom and with a wave of her wand she watched as ribbons wrapped around her body, taking measurements.

"What colour would you prefer?" Danielle asked while she rummaged through her bag which didn't look big enough to store several ball gowns in it, but Laion knew better than that it was most likely bottomless.

"Black. I want a black backless dress," the woman replied just as the ribbons fell off her body and returned back into a neat pile by the bag of the seamstress.

"Know what you want. I like that," Danielle hummed and kept going through her bag, "Something told me a woman like you would love a suit. A bold, controversial statement you probably enjoy to make."

As she said that, she took out a black suit with intricate white details on its sleeves from her bag, with a caress of her hand on the fabric any wrinkles straightened out into a perfect look. She offered the suit to Laion, who hid in the bathroom to try it on. A couple of minutes later she emerged clad in a black suit, it sat perfectly on her, as the measurements moulded themselves to her body.

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