Chapter 29 - Bloody Murder

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Hozier - Moment's Silence (Common Tongue)

There is always one bad thing about all good things. They all eventually come to an end.

After a day full of positive emotions and an action one could call "bonding", the changes came unexpectedly and hit them hard. Very hard.

"She isn't well," Avery said grimly, entering the dining hall as the other Death Eaters watched him from the table while enjoying their breakfast, "Are you sure everything was alright with the food you served yesterday? Even if that doesn't quite look like a food poisoning."

"Everything was fine and we ate it too, yet here we are," Alden furrowed his eyebrows and put his utensils down.

"Morning- Oh."

All eyes moved to Emily who entered the dining hall and now stood in the doorway, looking between the men sitting at the table and Avery who stood by. She expected the women to be already in, running a little bit late to the breakfast as the last evening relaxed her well enough to catch additional hours of sleep.

"How are you feeling, Emily? Does anything hurt?" Alden asked her, while Travers ran his eyes down her figure as if trying to see if she was in any pain or discomfort.

"That sounds like a threat," Emily squinted her eyes at Alden, "If I say no, are you going to make something hurt?" The sudden interest in her well-being was alarming and pretty much suspicious.

"If it was me asking, then probably yeah," Lestrange nodded while stuffing his mouth with more food.

"No, but Dirca is unwell and from what Avery noticed it seems pretty serious, so I wanted to know if it could have something to do with yesterday," Alden explained, pushing his chair away from the table and standing up.

"No, I'm fine. Not complaining," Emily looked between Avery and Alden, both of whom looked concerned. She could understand why Avery was concerned, his wife was unwell and he cared for her so much he would panic over a simple paper cut, but if Viridian was worried too then that was alarming.

"Dramatics," Lestrange rolled his eyes, earning himself a nod from Malfoy and a shove in the ribs from Rosier, who watched Viridian and Avery leave the room. He eyed the empty seat across from him, she was always on time before. Maybe she was unwell too? The thought crossed his mind but he knew she wasn't too inclined to talk to him and barging into her room in the morning could send all the wrong messages, so he stayed seated, waiting for the news Viridian and Avery would bring back.

"What does it look like?" Alden asked as they walked up the stairs to the second floor, heading to the bedrooms.

"I'm not entirely sure. She is nauseous, her body hurts and she is so weak she can't move off the bed," Avery passed a hand through, his hair. He was worried for her, she was always the one to stay healthy when he caught a fever or something similar, but now she got worse overnight and he didn't know what to do.

After a moment of suspicious silence from Alden, Avery turned his head to see the suspicious look his friend was giving him.

"No, don't even say that out loud in front of her. It's not what you think," Avery gave Viridian a dark look, warning him to stay off the topic if he wants to keep the ability to walk back to his potions chambers not harmed.

"I didn't say anything," Alden raised his hands, as they reached the bedroom.

Avery knocked on the door lightly, the quiet groan was everything they heard before Avery opened the door.

Dirca lay in bed, her face void of colour she usually sported. Her eyes were half closed, and the curtains over the windows were tightly shut too, as the light made her headache worse. Avery slowly came over to the side of the bed, sitting down next to the woman he loved as he took her hand into his.

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