Chapter 19 - The Triptych I

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Shaman's Harvest - Dirty Diana 

"Rise and shine, honey," was the only warning Laion was going to get before a bucket of cold water was splashed right into her face.

She sat up a moment later, gasping for air as the freezing cold water was a sure way to bring her out of the deep sleep. Lestrange was standing over her with an empty bucket and a wide smirk plastered on his face, the bastard was surely proud of himself for the trick he pulled on her.

Her temper on the other hand was not as easy to cool down and the next moment they both found themselves on the ground as Laion was not going to let him get away with disturbing her peace in such ways. The bucket rolled away under the bed, as she pinned the man to the ground, the droplets of water running down her skin and dripping on his shirt she hadn't previously seen on him.

She opened her mouth to surely curse him for his behaviour, but he was quicker, making sure to roll them both over and throw the girl off himself with that shit-eating grin of his he loved to bear.

"Save the energy for later, would be a shame if you wasted it all on me," he winked before effortlessly getting back on his feet and strolling to the wooden wardrobe, "Put on some training clothes, we aren't waiting for too long."

All she could do was blink at him in confusion, as the matter was now clear - they took their training order seriously.

Just several doors down the hall the situation was a total opposite, as Dirca was woken up by a gentle kiss on her cheek by the man she loved. Their morning started as their usual day, in the shared comfort of each other's touches. Avery knew today was going to be a tough day, considering the time they took to plan what the women were about to face. He wasn't going to make it any worse for her and wake her up in any different way than usual.

Angeline had the honour of catching the pillow Rosier threw at her, considering she was awake the moment he thought he silently opened the door to her bedroom. The silk pillowcase was smooth to her ungloved hands as she watched the man offer her an innocent smile that surely covered the devilish smirk underneath. He decided his luck was not on his side today and explained the urgency of the matter, that they had 10 minutes before Lestrange started dragging everyone outside by their limbs.

Such a warning worked on everyone, as none wanted to have anything to do with Lestrange especially his hands dragging them outside to train. The abrupt morning awakening left most of them in great displeasure, as the women left their rooms almost at the same time, making sure to fit into that 10-minute mark. All of them were dressed in clothes appropriate for physical training, as apparently such an event was predicted while their wardrobes were supplied with clothes.

The weather was sharing their mood, as the sky was covered up with clouds but at least it wasn't raining as hard as yesterday. Considering the determination the Death Eaters showed in their training session, the girls knew that even a snowstorm probably wouldn't have stopped making them exercise outside, under the pretence that challenges and obstacles build the spirit.

The guys all were already outside, standing in the clearing of damp grass and talking among themselves in hushed tones as they noticed the women leaving the Manor. The air was electric and none of them knew if it was because of the possible thunderstorm or the daggers that both parties were shooting each other.

"And all of that with a minute to spare," Lestrange mused as he made a theatrical gesture to look at his imaginary watch on his wrist, while others watched the women advance silently.

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