Chapter 16 - Secrets and Lies - HF

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Secrets and Lies - Ruelle

Hogwarts, May 1944

"Are you done with it already?" Angeline asked the boy sitting across from her at the book and parchment littered table, their homework and books scattered on it.

"I think so, but it doesn't quite sound correct." Rosier sitting across from her with his nose into his Defence Against the Dark Arts homework, answered his eyes still skimming the lines of his essay, the small drawings under the text illustrating the point he tried to make.

The exams were less than a month away, which meant getting a free seat to study in the library was almost impossible if only one didn't come there right after breakfast in the morning, as early as possible.

This was exactly what Angeline and Leonard did as they sat in their usual spot in the library, hidden behind the various shelves, giving them the privacy and quiet they were searching for. The Sunday morning was busier than yesterday, as many allowed themselves some rest in the form of the trip to Hogsmeade and now were eager to catch up with any studying they missed yesterday.

The library was full, the quiet buzz of it irritating the librarian enough to shoot pointed looks at any student passing by as they dared to disrupt the silence with the sound of their footsteps. Students of various houses all bonded over the deadlines for their final homework, since many Professors preferred to give twice the amount as the exams were just around the corner. It was great preparation, they said.

"Let me take a look," Angeline gestured with her gloved hand for Leonard to pass her the parchment he was currently hypnotising with how intensely he was staring at it.

"Take good care of it," Rosier sighed as he handed over his homework, snatching her own from her closed book in return.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes, as Angeline read what he wrote. Her eyebrows rose higher with every line she read, and even the perfect text of her own homework didn't stop Leonard from throwing it back onto the table and sighing.

"What's wrong?"

"You messed up the spells in the very beginning and it went downhill from there." Angeline handed him back the parchment that was about to be crumbled and thrown in the far corner of the library, as Rosier passed a hand through his hair accepting the fate of having to start from the very beginning.

Weeks went on as they prepared for their final exams and studied in the quiet or not always library. They spared whatever time they had during the weekends and after lessons to read through the books again and again, their piles of homework never really lessened until the very last days before their final exams.

Sometimes they studied in the Common room but that habit quickly faded as the noise and people around throwing them sidelong glances started making the both of them uncomfortable.

Many over the years wondered if there was something deeper than friendship between them but these questions were left unanswered as the years passed. Both of them knew they never stepped over that line that would take their relationship to a level one over the friends they actually were, both of them would see other people if only they had time between homework and preparation for exams.

Exams passed, homework was submitted and graded, and suitcases were packed. Most of their work paid out as they saw their exam results, and both were pleased with how they did and what they achieved.

Now sitting on the Hogwarts Express back to London for the summer, they were engaged in a lively conversation about their Summer plans. Both knew that most time spent with their relatives was going to go in one direction, as the older generation highly valued the matters of marriage and so every family visit in one way or another was somehow directed to discuss their marital opportunities after graduation that came next year.

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