Chapter 18 - Back to Schoolin'

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Hozier - Whole Lotta Love

The gloomy morning of another Summer day didn't promise anything positive to any inhabitants of the Manor, as they were slowly waking up from mostly troubled sleep and making their way out of their private corners in hopes of finding food and water.

June was a magic month, it was full of events such as Hogwarts graduations, the start of the summer holidays and finally birthdays. June 11th was on the magical calendar, as Laion opened her eyes to weather that didn't correspond to her current mood. It was her birthday, she was finally 23.

The thought of her favourite holiday woke her up earlier than usual, as she preferred to stay in bed for another hour or two today was not the day for that. She was up with the sun, or at least at the same time since the clouds blocked any possible sunshine from peeking through.

With a smile on her face, she proceeded with her morning routines, choosing the finest of the clothes she was offered when moving in, the occasion allowed after all. Her dark hair rose and fell with each of her steps as she closed the door of her bedroom behind, strutting into the dim hallway of the Manor. Barely anyone was awake at such hour, of if they were they stayed inside their rooms, not wanting to spend any more time with each other than needed.

Laion walked through the hall, flashing her signature grin to the portraits that watched her with mixed curiosity and confusion but didn't say a word. The candles were lit above the gold and silver frames which meant the elves already started breakfast preparations, which was another positive to this gloomy morning.

"You look different today," a voice snapped Laion out of her dreamy thoughts of a birthday feast, as her attention snapped to the man standing by the end of the hallway, Viridian was one of the early birds who didn't mind stepping out of his bedroom at an early hour.

"Do I? Couldn't imagine why would that be," Laion flashed him a playful smile, walking past him to head downstairs.

He watched her walk past him, his gaze lingering, an unreadable emotion he rarely showed running behind his eyes.

"Happy Birthday," he finally said after a moment of silence, as if contemplating his words in the moment. He watched the girl turn around, a playful smile growing into a genuine and warm one.

"Thank you," she said, as he looked him over. The white linen shirt looked extraordinarily good on him, or was that just the birthday fogginess?

Both of them exchanged glances before Laion turned on her heels and headed downstairs, Alden following suit.

The Manor was mostly silent, their footsteps disturbing the rather too-peaceful morning. Laion's excitement was seeping off of her in waves, as Alden kept his eyes on the girl who would soon start bouncing from happiness and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin her expectations of a celebratory day. On the other hand, he'd rather it was him than Riddle or anyone else who couldn't care less about the feelings of others.

"Listen..." He started as he caught up with her, stepping down the stairs and leading the girl outside instead of further into the Manor. They stepped out onto the front steps, the cold breeze sharp on their skin.

"Yeah?" Laion raised an eyebrow at the man in front of her who was visibly trying to find the words to say.

"I know it's your birthday and you are excited, but..." He looked around once more as if checking that no one heard him or trying to postpone the moment of broken expectations "We don't really do birthdays here. None of them will acknowledge it ... even if you bring it up. Just a heads up for today."

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