Chapter 1 - The Deal

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Years earlier

The day didn't belong to this season. Not at all. The dark clouds in the sky, shielded everyone from the sunshine behind it, the pouring rain that went on for hours. The morning was too gloomy to predict a good day, which wasn't a big surprise for a man sitting in the dining room alone, a cup of tea in his hand.

He preferred to enjoy his mornings alone, soaking in the silence of the Manor, which was just as rare as sunlight in their region. Many called him a people person, always the one to socialise and entertain the crowd, make a joke and bring the crowd to tears. But in the mornings he was himself, sitting in that dining room that would soon be flooded with house elves preparing the Manor for the day, enjoying the last moments of silence and calm that settled over the house during the night.

No matter how ironic that might sound, considering night was the time when they worked. Operating under the lights of the moon or more often dark clouds covering the whole sky, hiding the moon and the stars from their view. Not that they had much time to explore the constellations above their heads while cursing another witch or wizard until they got the information they needed. Perhaps the man would choose to watch the starry sky instead, listen to the silent sounds of life outside instead of the pained screams some of his friends enjoyed.

He couldn't complain about the situations his job put him in if one could even call that a job... He wasn't getting money for what he was doing, he was only supposed to obey and carry out whatever task his Lord gave to him. That thought alone made his lips curl up in a sour smirk, his Lord? Seriously? Many things didn't sit right with him, many of them made his skin crawl whenever he had to do any of them, but at the end of the day, it was his choice that he made himself.

He hoped the end goal was worth it, considering how much he believed in it himself. He never saw an opportunity to carry it out himself, perhaps deep down some part of him hoped that one day someone like Tom Riddle would show himself worthy of being followed, and obeyed, in exchange for providing the opportunity to watch the world become a better place. A clean place.

Footsteps sounded in the hall, and a deep sigh left his chest as he figured that his morning peace was about to be cut short, considering no one else bothered with the dining room so early in the morning, he assumed that it wasn't anyone who just wanted to share his company and joke around. He set down his cup on the table, leaning back in his seat, eyes on the doorway, playing a mental game of figuring out who was it this time.

A figure appeared in the doorway, an annoyed expression on the man's face "He wants to see you." a voice just as cold as his looks. Sometimes he wondered if the man was a walking icicle or just liked to be different from everyone else. Not that he had any objections, just sometimes it was entertaining enough to think what happens to him if he comes too close to a fireplace.

"Did he say why?" one of the first points was to figure out why was he needed, everything else came afterwards. If he was tasked with another hunt of potions or relics he would probably curse the man on the spot. His hair didn't look good when wet.

"Didn't ask."

Alright then, going blind was never a good option but in this case, he didn't have a choice. He stood up, fixing the sleeves of his shirt before making his way out of the room, he swore the temperature around the man in the doorway was lower than in the rest of the house. He didn't let himself think too much about it, considering what awaited him a few hallways away, the private working chambers of their Lord was a place each one of them tried to away as much as possible. Being there guaranteed you two outcomes - you die or your life gets more miserable than it already is. None of them particularly enjoyed either of these, so they preferred to stay away as much as possible.

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