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Soobin POV:

I was so immersed in my own world that I didn't even hear the door to my dressing room open.

"Hey!! Can I talk to you for a second??"

I jumped at those words from a familiar voice and as I recognized who it came from I froze up.


Author POV:

Soobin turns to the door in slow motion, afraid to do the wrong move so as to not scare the intruder with the Panic attack that he is having.

"Hey Kai! W-what are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you, and I'm glad I did. Hyung don't hide your panic attacks from me, you know you can trust me, right?? I won't judge you, ok? I want to help you, let me help you."

After hearing the soft words from his maknae Soobin just let everything out, he couldn't take it anymore he just had to let it out.

" Wh-wHAt If I fUcK eVErYthIng u-Up?? W-wHAt hApPEns if He f-FIndsS oUt I lOVe hIM?? W-wiLLl I bE aBLe to LoOk In hIS eyEs aGAin knO-knoWIng tHAt he COuld neVER fEEl tHe SAme aS mE? A-aND wORst, what If iT AFfects the te-TEam?"

Kai sat the leader down, hugging him tightly and he whispers in his ear that everything is going to work out, and that whatever happens he will always be there for him.

After a few minutes of just being there for the older Kai decided that Soobin was finally calm enough to be let go since they needed to prepare for the episode and the older ruined his make up crying so it needs to be done again.

"Hyung, I'll go call the make up Nuna so you can get your makeup done again, please be strong during this episode and believe in yourself a little more, ok??? You can do it!! If afterwards you need to cry again because you're thinking bad things again please come to me I'll comfort you."

"Thanks Kai, I will. Love you..."

"Love you to hyung!! And don't worry about Yeonjun-hyung right now, I have a feeling that maybe he is nervous as well."

Soobin looked confused at the maknae but decided to keep quiet.

"Bey hyung!! Fighting!!"

Kai turns to walk through the door just to find the door being open already with a certain tall guy standing awkwardly with his hand still in the door knob.

Soobin quickly gets up and calls for the person.

"Yeonjun-hyung!! W-what are you d-doing here??"

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