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"Marco" she whispers before passing out in my arms

I stand up with her in my arms and set her on the couch before walking over to Marco

"Don?" he asks

I punch him, hard, in the face he falls to the floor bleeding while everyone looks shocked

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" I roar at him, picking him off the floor by his neck

"I didn't d-do anything I promise"

"don't fucking lie to me, Marco! what. did.!

"she's lying I never raped her!"

I pull out my gun and cock it pressing it against his head



"I'm going to fucking kill you" I whisper

I beat him relentlessly until he's on the verge of passing out, his body and face bloody

I stand back up take a deep breath and say to two of my furious men "Take him to the warehouse have some fun but don't let him die"

"my pleasure Don" They harshly grab him and drag him to a car before dumping him in the trunk

everyone stands there taking everything in each one of them filled with rage at the thought of someone they thought was part of our family hurting Belle so badly

"make sure she's okay come get me if anything happens I need a minute" I say to Lorenzo before walking out to the garden

I sit down on a bench and take out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag while I lean back looking out at the blue sky

my mind runs with thoughts

ways to hurt Marco the worst I can

thoughts of my angel Belle

who Marco really is

finding out who helped Belle

I don't realise how long it's been until the cigarette burns my fingers

"shit" I throw it on the ground and sigh before getting up and going back to Belle whose just waking up

"hey baby" I whisper picking her up and setting her on my lap

she rubs her eyes "What happened" her voice rasps

" you don't remember?" she shakes her head

then like something clicked in her brain she starts frantically looking around and whimpers

I bring her back into me "It's okay he's not here shh it's okay"

"no, he's here it's him"

"I took him away baby he's not here"

"he's not?" she looks at me

"no angel he's not here" I kiss her forehead

"Why was he here? You promised you only hurt bad people but I'm not bad Kill- I swear"

"No, no I know you aren't, I didn't know who he was, he came to me not long ago. I get rid of people like him and I promise that's what i'll do. Please trust me." I beg

"I do" she whispers

"Thank you" I lean my forehead against hers

"I'm so sleepy"

"Come on" I stand up and take her hand as she follows behind me upstairs

She changes to pyjamas and slips into bed; I change into joggers and get in with her

she cuddles into me, slowly shifting closer and closer until I pick her up and place her on top of me

we both sigh in contentment as she holds one of my hands tightly with both of hers

I'm awoken by a thud and a small "ow"

I look over the side of the bed and see Belle on the floor

I'm trying not to laugh but it's so hard

I think Belle can see this because she scowls at me

she stands up and tries to get on the bed which she can't because of its height so she huffs and walks backwards to give herself a run-up before jumping on the bed

"I don't know why anyone would need a bed this high" I look at her amused

"Maybe because I'm 6'7 angel" I chuckle

"well I'll go find someone with a lower bed then" she grins

"no can do baby"

"yeah? and why's that?"

I smirk and grab her neck lifting her head up higher

"Because you're mine"


"All mine"

"And who decided that?" she crosses her arms with a grin

I chuckle shaking my head

"Belle, Belize, will you do me the honor of officially being mine?"

"I would love to"

"Thank god" I groan; she's looking up at me with those big eyes looking so pretty, i look down at her slightly parted lips and can't help myself

I press my lips to hers

she stills for a moment before melting into the kiss

I pull back for a second before slamming my lips on hers

with my hand still on her neck I run my tongue along her bottom lip

she opens her mouth for me and I pull her onto my lap kissing her deeply

as soon as my tongue is in her mouth she submits to me and I control the kiss

like nothing I've ever had before, it's so perfect, everything feels so right

I pull away after a few minutes, both of us breathing heavily

I look at her with a smile and stroke her cheek

"my pretty girl" I whisper

she nods and my smile widens

I peck her swollen lips again

she's so perfect and she's all mine

I love her

Belle (updated)Where stories live. Discover now