you can do it

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It's been 5months since we went to Italy

Amora is now 1

Carlo is 3

and I... *sniffles* am 30!

I'm old!

oh god

and the little bitch Julio has loved teasing me about it as if he won't be the same age in a few months

"Killian" my angels' voice sings

I look down at her with a smile

She is currently lying across my lap, her head against the arm of the chair, while I work

I stroke her cheek with my hand

every time I look at her my heart races, I get butterflies in my stomach, my face softens and I can't see anything other than her

the sun from the skylight drapes across her face making her eyes brighter and her skin golden, her shiny blonde locks are falling down the side of the chair and her outfit accentuates her soft curves perfectly

the sun from the skylight drapes across her face making her eyes brighter and her skin golden, her shiny blonde locks are falling down the side of the chair and her outfit accentuates her soft curves perfectly

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she wears minimal makeup, just enough to enhance her natural beauty and brighten the colour of her plump lips and make them shine under the light

"Killian?" she asks softly

I only just realise I had been admiring her rather than answering her questions

"sorry baby, what were you saying?"

she giggles "I was saying that we need to find a preschool for Carlo"

"I thought that started when he was 5?"

"that's kindergarten, preschool is before that"

I nod "I'll have a look for one and if I find a good one we'll look around but he's going to have to have bodyguards with him so I don't know if many places will let him in"

she hums "We'll figure it out"

a cry goes through the speaker of the baby monitor

Belle sits up with a huff and goes to Amora's room

after 10 minutes or so she comes back with my daughter in her arms

Belle (updated)Where stories live. Discover now