The argument

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You felt your best friend's hand grabbing your wrist but you quickly slid it away.

« Look Nicky, I didn't mean it this way. I'm sorry, OK ? "

Jaz had just called you by the nickname that she normally used to refer to your second name, the one that nobody but her and your family knew of : Nicole.

You shuddered when you heard her calling you by this nickname. Jaz would often use it when calling you. But after today's incident, hearing it coming out of her mouth felt out of place, a little awkward

For a split second, you considered throwing yourself in her arms and doing as if nothing had happened.

Jaz – short form for Jasmine - was your best friend. You did love her dearly. A part of you desperatly wanted to forgive her for the hateful words she had just thrown at you. But at the same time, the other part of you kept telling you that this time, she had crossed the line.

« Are you serious, Jaz ? It's not OK ! Not this time » You shouted, anger rising inside you. « You called me an idiot. You called me useless. All because I came last in this bloody race. All because of that lad you've been fancying! Is this all our friendship mean to you ? »

Tears filled your eyes.

« No, it's not... », Jaz started off.

« Leave me, Jaz », you snapped, in a voice you wanted to sound firm and cold. With that, you turned away. The only thing you wished for right now was to find refugee in the warmth of your room.

Thank God, your day at school was over.You ran as fast as you could, as you felt the beads of sweat that were gradually appearing on your forehead. Jaz' voice was still coming from afar. She kept calling out for you. But you tried not to pay attention to it.

Thankfully, your house was only a small distance away. This meant you would soon be safe. Alone in your room. With no one to see the miserable state you were in.

While you were running, you suddenly bumped into someone. You tripped and fell to the ground.

« Chandler ? Are you OK ? ». A deep voice came from what seemed to be afar. You instantly recognized this voice as belonging to Mr Davies, you Physical Education teacher.

« Chandler ? » he called your name again – your teachers and classmates knew you by your first name, Chandler.

« Chandler, is anything wrong ? » Mr Davies called you for the third time in a row. This time, your realized he was actually standing right next to you. Confused as you were, you had initially wrongly assumed his voice had come from afar. You felt too numb to even try to get back on your feet. Seeing that you were not moving, Mr Davies took your hands in his and lifted you up.

« T... Thank you, Mr Davies » you stuttered with difficulty.

« Is everything all right, Chandler ? », he asked, with confusion written all over his face. « What happened ? »

« Nothin' » You said, your voice coming out in a mere whisper. « I'm... I'm fine. Thanks again, Mr Davies»

With that, you resumed what you were dong right before you fell : running far away from this place.

« Chandler, wait ! » Mr Davies called out for you. But, in just a couple of minutes, you were too far to hear the sound of his voice. Your left knee was now throbbing with a sharp pain. Probably a cut that had resulted from your previous fall. It was painful. But, still, you tried not to pay attention to it.

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