Save the last dance for me...

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Love me tender

Love me sweet

Never let me go

You have made my life complete

And I love you so...

George and you were were swaying to Elvis' smooth voice.

George's right hand entertwined in yours as his other hand was gently touching your back, holding you close to him. Glancing at him, you were trying to engrave every detail of his beautiful face in your mind.

This was your first dance with George as his wife. You still were finding it hard to realise that this moment has finally come. It all felt like a dream...

« What are you thinking of, Mrs Harrison ? », George gave you his usual trademark smile, that still had the power to make you go weak on our knees.

« Mrs Harrison... I like how it sounds... », you smiled back at him.

« So, we did it, my love », George's smile got broader.

« Yes, we did... So, what's next ? ». Despite the chuckle you gave George, this question was far from being a simple one.

You knew that whatever life would have in store for both George and you, you were ready to face it. As long as George would be by your sides, you would be strong enough to face any ordeal.

But at the same time, despite your total confidence in the love you both shared, you had to admit that taking this new step in your life as an individual - as Chandler Lewis - and as George's lover and now as his wife - was a little bit frightening.

« I don't know, Sweetheart... I'm new to this, y'know », George chuckled back at you. But you could still feel the seriouseness that was hidden in his voice.

« I think we'll find this out as our journey goes on », George added.

« With pleasure, baby ». You gave your husband a warm, confident smile.

In the background, Elvis' voice had been replaced by The Drifters, as Ben E. King was asking his lover to « Save The Last Dance for him »

« Excuse me, son », George suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned back to face your father.

« If you don't mind... May I borrow Chandler for the next dance ? », your father added.

You noticed the slight nervousness written on his face and in his eyes. As if he was feeling uncomfortable. He almost seemed to be sorry to interrupt both George and you.

« With pleasure, sir », George gave your father a warm smile. He stepped away, allowing your father to come closer to you.

« Thank you, George », your father smiled back at George.

« Take your time », George gave you a quick kiss on your cheek before walking away.

« Thanks », you whispered to him.

« Dad... », Your voice came out as a mere whisper, as you turned your gaze to your father.

He was standing right in front of you, apparently trying to take in every detail of your appearance. As if he was seeing you for the very first time. He looked tense, tired.

Suddenly, it hit you that your father looked older. As if he had gained a few more years in a matter of just a few hours.

You felt your heart melting with love for your father. He was the first man in your life, he was your hero, he was the best dad you and Kennedi could ever ask for. Suddenly, you felt yourself turning back into a little girl again, who only wanted to run into her father's loving arms and hug him tight.

You held your hand out for your father to take it, as you gave him a soft smile.

« Come, dad... Come and dance with your little girl »

The sadness that you had noticed in your father's smile seemed to grow deeper the minute he heard your words.

« My little girl... », he said again. « You'll always be my little girl, Chandler love. But when a girl gets married, she inevitably drifts a little away from her parents »

Your father's words instanty made your heart sink. You found yourself stuggling again not to let the tears come to your eyes.

Your father took your hand in his and both of you began to swing to The Drifters' song.

« George is a nice boy... You couldn't ask for a better life partner, love »

« I know, dad », you gave him a heart-felt smile. « Thank you », you added.

« What for? », you father gave you a suprised look, as he frowned at you.

« I know it's wasn't easy for you to accept that your little girl was falling in love with the first love of her life, you began speaking. « But still, you accepted George in our family and you've always supported us. I can't thank you enough for that, dad. You're... You'll always be my hero, the one I'm looking up to. No one will ever replace you in my heart »

Your voice was now slightly shaking. You so desperatly wanted to throw yourself in your father's arms.

« Oh, my darling girl... ». He was clearly lost for words. You could see the teas beaming in his eyes.

« Come here ». The next second, you were engulfed in his arms, in a warm hug.

« George has been taking care of you in such a perfect way in the past four years. I know that he'll be a wonderful husband for my little girl »

« It doesn't matter if we're married, sir. She'll always be your daughter »

George's voice came from behind.

Your father turned to face George.

« Thank you, son... », he put his hand on George's shoulder in a comforting way.

« I know you'll take good care of her ».

« I will, sir... Thank you for giving me the priviledge to become your daughter's life partner... She's my soulmate... I'll do anything for her happiness »

« I know, son... I know... »

To see the two men of your life having such a hearth-felt conversation - and that too, about yourself- brought tears again in your eyes - happy tears, this time.

Over the past four years, you had seen the relationship between your father and George grow deeper and stronger.

Although your father had had his initial doubts about your boyfriend - each and every father of this world will say that no man is good enough for his darling daughter, right ? -, he had slowly learned to know George for the person he was and he had gradulally grown fond of him.

« Welcome into the family, son », your father smiled at George. « Well, you've been one of us for the past few years already. But today's your official entry ».

You saw your father wink at your husband before he took him in his arms. George gladly let himself be wrapped in your father's warm hug.

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