Unexpected encounter with the Harrison brothers

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«Pass me the ball, Peter ! We're in the same team, you fool ! », you suddenly heard a loud voice piercing the air.

As you tried to figure out where this voice was coming from, your eyes fell on Georges house, which was only a few metres away from where you were standing.

On the pavement, right in front of the house, a group of boys were playing what you guessed was an improvised football game. As you came closer to the group, you tried to mentally count the number of boys who were taking part in the game. If your count was right, they were about eight, engaged in a fiercy game – running after the ball, jumping, trying to block the ball with their chests or with their heads. To you, it appeared to be a crazy game.

Whitin a few seconds of walking, you had become a priviledged spectator of the game, for it was happening right before your eyes. You were standing just a few meters behind the boys.

« Hey, watch out ! » A male voice reached your ears.

The next minute, before you could even move a muscle, you saw the ball coming right in your direction. With no second thought about it, you let out a cry. Losing your balance, you fell to the ground. A couple of seconds later, you saw that the ball had landed dangerousely close to the spot where you had fallen.

« You OK ? », The boy that had shouted out at you earlier came running to you.

You were still under the shock, but, still, you could get up from the pavement, standing on your two feet again.

You clumsy idiot !  You cursed youself for falling and for making a fool of yourself in front of so many uknown people.

« Are you all right ? » The boy asked again, now standing in front of you.

« Yeah, thanks » you said, trying hard not to let the flush reach your cheeks. If you could be swallowed by  Earth, you would gladly accept it right now...Despite the confused state you were in, you still took the time to scan the stranger's face as carefully as you could. He had the same chocolate eyes as George, the same dark brown hair. Though he looked a few inches shorter than George, he also looked older to George by several years. You had that instant feeling – which could be wong, but for some reason, you felt your intuition was right – that you were facing George's elder brother.

« Are you OK, love ? », he asked you again, for the tird time in a row. « Not hurt, are you ? »

« No... No, I'm fine », you managed to say, still a little bit knocked down by shock.« Don't worry, I'm OK », you quickly added, giving the young man a gentle smile.

The initial shock you had felt was slowly starting to go away.

« What happened, Harry ? » A second voice came from behind the boy.

Giving a quick look towards the boy who had just spoken, you noticed he wasn't alone. All the boys – all the players from both the football teams – were by his side. All of them were sporting worried looks on their faces.

Before Harry could say a thing, you tried to reassure all these worried boys : « Nothin'. The ball came in my direction but I wasn't hit. No worries ». You gave them yet another reassuring smile.

« Are you sure ? », the boy who had earlier addressed Harry asked you, with a worried frown on his face.

« Hundred per cent », you smiled at him.

« If you say so... », he added, still not breaking eye contact with you. « What's a pretty bird like you doing here, putting herself in danger ? »

« Mind your language, Peter ! » Harry said sternely, turning to face the boy who had just talked with you.

« Oh, come on bro' ! I'm just jokin'. Though you can't deny that she's pretty » .

You felt yourself blushing at Peter's rather straigh-forward compliment.

« By the way, I'm Chandler » you said, suddenly feeling the need to introduce yourself. « We're neighbours ».

« Oh, yes... I've seen you before », Peter suddenly exclaimed, as he broke into a huge smile. « Aren't you Mrs Lewis' daughter ? »

You nodded, smiling back at him. It amazed you that Peter already knew you, while you had never noticed him till now.It seemed like the Harrisons brothers had been noticing you for quite a while. First, George. Now his brother...

« Are you George's brothers ? », you asked them, as it suddenly struck you that it couldn't be otherwise : these two young men had so many physical features in common with George.

« Yeah », they both replied in unison. You could read surprise on the looks they gave you.

« Do you know Geo-»

« What's happening here ? » A voice coming from behind interrupted Peter right in the middle of his question.

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