Following George's words

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« Jaz ! » you called out to your friend, as you noticed she was talking to one of your classmates, while standing in the corridor.

When she heard your voice, Jaz instantly turned in your direction, seemingly finding hard to believe that you had addressed her and that – in addition- you had graced her with a warm smile.She let the books she was holding in her hands fall to the floor, probably under the effect of surprise.

You quickly made your way to her. Bending down, you took Jaz's books that were scattered on the floor and handed them back to her.

« T... Thanks » she stuttered, in an almost inaudible voice.

« Don't look at me like I'm a ghost ! », you chuckled at her, before turning to the girl who was standing right next to Jaz :« Hi Rachel », you greeted your classmate, patting her on her shoulder. She smiled at you in return.

« Ready to start up the day with your favourite class ? ». You chuckled.

« Don't tell me », Rachel chuckled back at your question. « Y' know I'm not a fan of Maths »

« Yeah, I know » you smiled back at her. « Neither am I ».

You felt surprinsingly good, full of energy, ready to go through this day which you knew would be a beautiful day. How could it otherwise ?

The sun is out, the sky is blue

There's not a cloud to spoil the view...

The first verses of Buddy Holly's song popped up inside your mind. The only difference was that, unlike the way Buddy Holly was feeling in this song, it was not « raining in your heart ». Not the slightest. In fact, it was the other way round. You were feeling at peace with yourself, happy about what you were about to tell Jaz – that she shouldn't worry anymore about the argument you both had had with each other on yesterday - . You had this amazing feeling that everything would fall into place before long.

Jaz, who could usually be a real chatterbox had't said a word yet. She just kept staring at you for a few minutes before finally addressing to Rachel – not to you - : « Rachel, would you mind waiting for Chandler and I in the Maths class ? I need to... I need to talk with her. Please.... »

Jaz 's voice was soft as ever. You noticed the pleading glance she gave Rachel.

« Oh... » For a couple of seconds, Rachel was left speechless. Her eyes kept wandering from your face to Jaz's face, trying to get a hint about what was happening between both of you. Finally, she nodded in approval : « Of course... I'll wait for you in class »

When Rachel had reached a reasonable distance which couldn't allow her to hear your conversation, Jaz turned to face you. Her eyes were glistening with tears. You felt your heart skip a beat when you saw them.

« Hey... Don't cry, love », you said, as you felt a lump forming in you throat. You hated the sight of your best friends in tears. You reached out to her and took her in your arms.

« I'm so sorry, Nicky ! » Jaz burst out in tears. « I was such an idiot to you. I'm so sorry ! »

« That's OK, Jaz », you said, softly. And you genuinely meant it.

« I'm sorry I didn't win the race for you », you added.

Leaving your arms, Jazz stared at you in disbelief.

« Are you serious ? I was rude to you and you are saying sorry to me ? You were right... Neither William no any other boy is worth losing your friendship. You mean so much to me ! »

Jaz' tears got even heavier than before.

« Shh... Don't cry Jaz », you said as softly as you could, in an attempt to calm her down.

« Everyone is looking at us », you quickly added.

Which was true. Looking around you some seconds back, you had noticed that both you and Jaz had been under the unwanted scrutinty of those who had been walking past you in the corridor.

« Oh, sorry », Jazz gave you an apologetic smile. Finally noticing that she had been the centre of unwanted attention, she quickly wiped her tears away.

« Here, take this » You handed her a tissue, as you gave her a warm smile.

« How do you do this ? » Jazz suddenly asked you.

« What ? », you frowned at her, failing to understand her question.

« I hurt you so much, and you're still able to forgive me. How can you do this ? If I were you, I woud honestly slap myself » . Jaz looked puzzled at you.

Hearing her last sentence, you burst out laughing : « Yeah, you deserve to be slapped ! »

« I'm serious, Chandler », Jaz frowned at you.

Your laugh quickly died down when you saw the seriousness on your friend's face.

« I was angry at you Jazz » you said. « You have no idea how much your words had hurt me. For hours, I was mad at you. But then, someone made me realise that you had said these words to me only because winning yeserday's race was important to you. That someone made me realise that you hadn't really meant what you told me. He made me understand how much your friendship means to me »

As you spoke, memories of George kept invading your mind. His gentless, his wise and comforting words, his beautiful smile, the sparkle which had danced in his eyes...

« Just... Next time, please try not to hurt me, Jaz » You added, in a low voice.

« I promise »You knew Jaz had spoken in all honesty.« I'm sorry, love ». She threw herself again in your arms.

« By the way... Who's the lucky lad ? », you suddenly heard Jazz unexpected question, as she was still holding you tight.

Breaking her hug, she was now facing you, looking straight into your eyes. « Come on, tell me... Who is he ? » , Jaz was smiling from ear to ear.

You felt yourself blushing. « It's not what you think Jaz. He's only my neighbour »« Oh really ? », Jaz gave you a dubious look as her grin got even bigger.

« Please Jaz » you just said, hoping it would be enough to make her stop teasing you.«

What's his name ? » , Jaz insisted again, still smiling like mad.

« George », you finally answered, trying hard not to let a smile creep across your lips. Just to say his name made you feel happy...

«He lives a few houses away from mine », you went on speaking. « He's just a neighbour » you said again – for the second time -, seeing that Jazz wouldn't stop smiling like mad at you.

« All right, I believe you » she said, still smiling. « Miss Beetroot », she winked at you, referring to the fact that you were blushing to no end.

« Stop it, Jaz ! » you playfully hit her, as she began running ahead of you to the Maths Class, her laughs filling the corridor.

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