Pulled into George's magical world

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You entered in your room to find George carefully examining your collection of LPs.

Hearing the sound of your footsteps, he turned to face you.

« Are you an Elvis fan ? », he beamed at you.You nodded at him, smiling back.

From Elvis' debut album to his latest - A Date With Elvis , which had been relased on last July - you had all his records.Elvis was your favourite. From the very first time you had seen him on TV, you had to admit that you had been having a crush on him. His deep voice, his singing, the way he played his guitar, his wild hip movements... Everything about him made you fall for him head over heels.

« Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Smokey Robinson... », George went on naming your most favourite artists while he lickered though your LPs.

George whistled in admiraton : « You have great tastes in music, Chandler. Impressive ! »

« Thanks », you said, in a whisper, as you felt yourself blushing.

« Here, hot chocolate for you », you handed him his cup over.

« You made hot chocolate especially for me ? » George frowned at you out of surprise.You just nodded, giving him a soft smile.

« Thanks... You shouldn't have, really » Now it was his turn to blush.

« It's the least I could for you, George », you said, honestly.George took a sip out of his cup, taking the time to savour it.« Delicious... Thanks », he smiled at you again.

Both of you remained silent for a couple of minutes, just savouring your hot chocolates, as your eyes met from time to time above your cups.

Everytime, your eyes met his, you couldn't help but smile. That's just the way he made you feel. And everytime, he would smile back at you. You could see his smiles reach out to his beautiful eyes as he would glance at you.

All of a sudden, George broke this blissful silence : « You know... My mates and I are in a band ».

You noticed the blush which had begun to spread on his cheeks while he had said this.

« Really ? » you asked again, not sure if you had heard George's words right.

He was in a band ?

« Yeah... A rock n' roll band. We're called the Quarrymen but we're thinking of changing our name soon ».

You carefully studied George's face to see if he was serious or if he was just joking. To think that he was in a band... Somehow, you found it hard to believe. It was too impressive. The quiet, soft George Harrison in a rock n'roll band... He couldn't be serious, could he ?

Despite your doubts, you decided not to let them show. You didn't want to hurt George's feelings.

« The Quarrymen ? Where does this name come from ? » you asked, curious to know more about George's band despite your doubts.

« John, our leader, named it after the school he attended», George explained.

For the next twenty minutes or so, you saw excitement take over George's whole body as he talked to you about his friends John, Paul, Stu and Colin ; about their music ; about their determination to make it big one day ; about his love for guitars...

His eyes were sparkling, his hands were dancing in the air while he was explaining all about his music to you. It was as if his fingers were playing the strings of an invisible guitar in the air.

As you paid a careful listen to his words, you found yourself being slowly drawn into his passionate world. From time to time, you found yourself closing your eyes, letting George's words touch your soul. You wished you coud meet his friends, you wished you could listen to their music, you wanted George to play his guitar for you.

When George stopped talking, some minutes later, you reluctantly found yourself being pulled out of this magical world that he had described to you.

You wouldn't mind listening to him for the rest of your life...

Hot Chocolate and Cupcakes with GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now