Meeting George

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You opened your room's door to find the chocolate cup patiently waiting for you. Bending down, you carefully took it in your hand.

« I though this chocolate cup was for me », a male voice suddenly came, as you were slowly getting up. Startled by this unexpected sound, you almost knocked your cup over.

« Careful, love, it'd be a shame to spill your chocolate »

The next minute, now standing on your two feet, you found yourself facing a tall young man. The wink he gave you took you by surprise, making you totally lost for words. An unintentional frown made its way to your face.

The stranger chuckled :« So... Isn't this chocolate for me ? », he asked, not losing his michievous smile, with glitter in his eyes.

You were still lost for words – What the hell is happening to me ?

Unable to speak, you only shook your head in denial.

« Just jokin' », he added, with another laugh.

You took some minutes to stare at him. He was probably the same age as you – or only a year or two older than you. His dark brown hair were styled in a funny hairstyle that you identified as a mop-top – Who was crazy enough to sport moptops these days ?

In his hazel eyes, you instantly noticed some kind of warmth. You had the strange feeling you had already met him. But for some reason, you didn't know where.

Suddenly, the stranger's eyes grew wide with surprise. He seemed to notice only now how much your face looked damaged from the marks of dried tears and the traces of your masara, which had run down your eyes.

« Are you all right, Chandler ? You look... », he started off.

« Terrible, I know » you snapped at him, whitout a second thought.

« No...That's... That's not what I meant, sorry », he stuttered, apparently caught off guard by your sarcastic comment.

It's only then that it hit you : this boy had just called you by your first name. How come he knew it ?An alarmed feeling started to spread inside you. You didnt like the fact that someone you didn't know knew you.

« Is everything OK ? » the boy asked you again, oblivious to the state of confusion you were in.

You had to admit he was quite handsome, despite his unusual hairsyle. Tall, lean, with sparkling dark brown eyes that seemed to be willing to wrap you in their warmth.

Funny that in the confused state of mind you were in, you still could pay attention to the fact that he was handsome.

« I'm OK... Thanks » you lied.

Both of you stood silent for a couple of seconds, before you finally asked him, as politely as you could – for some reason, you didn't want to sound rude : « Sorry to ask but... May I know your name ? You seem to know mine... »

« Oh... You don't know my name, d'ya?... Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier »

Not only good-looking... But well-mannered as well ...

The little voice inside your head raised again.

« I'm George. Y'know... From the Harrison household. We're neighbours »

He had spoken in a rather quick pace.

« Oh, yes.... George ». Now, it struck you who this handsome young boy was. Since he was living only a couple of houses away from yours, both of you had occasionally crossed paths, exchanging quick glances, quick hellos – and also shy smiles – from the distance. But you had never actually spoken to each other.

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