« You may kiss your bride »

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First of all, I'd like to thank each and every one of you, my faithful readers.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my simple story, for appreciating it, for voting for it and being kind enough to give your feedback about it.

Your comments and your support mean a lot to me. Without you, this story has no reason to exist.


Here's a new chapter for you, my lovely readers


« And now, before the eyes of God, I pronounce you husband and wife ».

Father Matthews' voice echoed in the nave of St Peter's Church.

George and you exchanged bright smiles with each other, as soon as you heard these blissful words.

« You may kiss your bride », Father Matthews declared, as he gave a gentle smile to George.

« This is your moment, Geo », you heard John whisper in a chuckle, as he gave a gentle pat on George's back.

George shot his friend a side look that clearly told him to keep quiet.

John's grin grew even wider than it already was

« Shut up, John », you heard Paul's whisper, as if he had read George's mind.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself at the sight of the boys' silliness. You gave a quick glance to Ringo, who was standing right next to George. The ocean blue-eyed man - your husband's closest friend, who also happened to be the drummer of the band your husband performed in as the lead guitarist - winked at you while a mischievous smile brightened his face.

After what seemed forever to you, George finally leaned towards you, making his lips connect with yours.

The moment his lips met yours, a feeling of fulfillement took over you. You felt complete, you knew you were blessed, you were at peace with yourself and with the whole world surrounding you.

Today was the day you had been longing for for the past four years. After four years of being George's girlfriend, you were finally given the blessing to become his wife.

In front of your eyes, among the many guests who were gathered to give you and George their blessings on this magical day, you could spot the faces of all those who meant the world to George and to you : your parents, your little sister Kennedi - who was not the childish little girl anymore but a fifteen year-old girl who, with each passing day, was turning into a beautiful and confident young lady - , Harold Uncle, Louise Auntie, George's elder sister Louise with her husband and both her daughters, Harry, Peter, Jane, Maureen, and your closest friend within the Beatles family , Cyn.

Oh, and Jaz was also here - how couldn't you invite your best friend to your wedding ? - . She was sitted right next to Kenni. You could spot her smile from miles away. You knew how much she was happy for George and for you. Next to her, you spotted her boyfriend, the one and only William - the lucky lad for whom she had argued with that Anita Baker girl when you and her were in Grade Eleven.

Four years back, during that unusual first encounter you had had with Peter and with Harry, did they have even the slightest idea that that « pretty bird who was daring enough to put herself in danger in front of their house » would become their dear friend, their little sister and also, their sister-in-law ?

Memories of that special day started to flow in your mind. You had shared your first kiss with George on that day that had changed your life forever. On that day, both George and you had already known that you were made for each other. And you had had the right feeling...

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