«Sometimes, you need someone from the outside...»

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George and you were seated on your bed. George with his legs crossed in a lotus position. And you, with your back against the wall, you legs stretched in front of you.

You were feeling relaxed. Thoughts of the incident which had happened between Jaz and you would invade your mind every now and then but you were still able to push them away and to enjoy this peaceul moment you were sharing with George right now.

«Your cupcakes taste like heaven !» you said enthusiastically, as you began savouring your second cupcake – the chocolate one,  with strawberry frosting. You loved every bit of it. It may sound a bit cliché, but chocolate had always been your favourite flavour.

« Seriously ? » George asked, seemingly puzzled by your honest compliment.

« I'm glad you like them, Chandler ». He smiled at you.

« Please help yourself », you told him as it suddenly occured to you that he hadn't eaten anything.

Sharing the apple pie slice into two halves, you pushed one half to one side of the plate for him to take it.

« Take your favourite cupcake out of the remaining two » you added, smiling at him.

« No thanks. I wouldn't want to... » he bagan speaking, giving you a shy smile back.

« Come on, George. I don't want to eat it all by myself. I feel like I'm being selfish »

You were amazed at your own boldness. You had met George only half an hour ago. And there you were, sharing a couple of cupcakes and an apple pie slice with him. Surprisingly, you were feeling comfortable with him. He didn't seem to be a stranger to you anymore, despite the fact that you still hardly knew him.

« You're not acting selfish », George chuckled.

Following your invitation, he picked the vanilla cupcake which he had frosted with vanilla buttercream. He had presented it in a beautiful cupcake cup which had blue and green peacock patterns printed on it.«

You shouldn't have gone through all this trouble to make these cupcakes for me, George », you said, honestly bowled over by the amount of effort he had put in them. All because he wanted to please you.

« They're really beautiful » you added. And they're delicious»

« It wasn't trouble. It's nothin' really ».

Once again, it seemed that your honest compliment had taken George aback.

The words you uttered next came out unannounced to yourself :« You said I was born to light up this world ... Well, that's not true »

For some reason you felt the need to open up to him.

Surprised at the sudden change in your voice, George stared intently at you.

« Right now, I'm... I feel like I'm useless »

You were struggling not to let the tears flow again. They would ruin everything.

A frown appeared on George face. He scouted closer to you. « What ? Why would you feel this way, love? » he asked, concern written all over his beautiful face.

« Because... That's what I am. A useless girl », you said again, your voice cracking up a bit.

« Who told you so ? » George was now looking straight into your eyes. He could probably clearly see the tears that were beaming in them, ready to flow at any minute now.

« My best friend... To her, I'm useless and I'm an idiot », you whispered.

« Did you two get into an argument or somethin' ? », George asked.

Hot Chocolate and Cupcakes with GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now