Struggling for words

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The boys now gone, George turned to face you :

« Sorry 'bout what Harry said. He should learn to shut up, most of the time ».

George ran his hand in his hair, as he gave you a shy smile. Nervousness was written all over his face.

« No problem », you gave him a warm, heartfelt smile back as you walked closer to him.

He looked so cute, even in his nervoursness...

You were now standing dangerousely close to George, your bodies almost touching one another.George took some seconds to study your face and to take in every detail of the way you looked like. Your dress, your light make up, your smile... Not the slightest detail seemed to escape his attention.

« You look... Beautiful », he finally said. « Well, you always are... But today... You look even more special », he tried to smile at you. But it was a smile filled with tension.

« Thanks, George », you smiled back at him. You were glad that he had noticed the efforts you had made today to look... different... Prettier.

« By the way... Is Harry your brother's actual name? » you suddenly asked. It was only an attempt for you to ease the atmosphere between George and you, as you felt it was a bit... Tensed.

George gave ou a surprised look and nodded : « Yes, his name's Harry. Why are you asking ? ».

You smiled at George. You actually bit your lip, trying hard not to burst out laughing : « Harry Harrison... That's quite an ... Uncanny name ».

« Yeah I see what you mean », George chuckled. « My parents were probably running out of inspiration when they named him ». The next second, George burst out laughing.

It didn't take long for you to join him. It felt good to see him laugh. Even his laugh was beautiful. The happiest, the most heartfelt laugh you had ever heard.

« So... Did you speak with Jaz ? », George suddenly asked, when your laughts died down.

You nodded at him.« I followed your advice. All is good now... This is all thanks to you, George »

« You're giving me too much credit », George gave you a shy smile.

« No, I'm serious George.... Not even one full day has passed since we met. But you've already done so much for me. You've got no idea».

As you were speaking, you were studying every single feature of George's face. He was special... You needed him in your life... It was frightening how fast it had happened... How could you have fallen in love with him so quickly ? Despite the fact that you had totally surrendered your heart to him in less than twenty-four hours, you also had that strong feeling, deep down yourself, that your love for him wasn't just a meaningless crush.

You knew that, in George Harrison, you had met the love of your life.

You felt tears starting to prickle your eyes. Your heart was thumping in your chest. Words were struggling to come out of your mouth. How could you let him know that you loved him ?

You were feeling desperately helpless, tongue-tied, unable to tell him how you felt about him.

« I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday », you said, as you suddenly remembered the few times you had raised your voice at George on yesterday. You had lowered your eyes while saying this last sentence, suddenly feeling too ashamed to even face him anymore.

You felt George's gentle touch on your face, as he gently lifted your chin up so that you could face him again.

« You have no reason to be sorry, love », he smiled gently at you. His beautiful smile that sent shivers down your spine, that made you feel like you were the luckiest person to be on Earth.

« George, I... There's something I 'd like to tell you »

Damn, why was it so hard to tell him?

« Yes », he simply said, in a mere whisper. « Go on, love »

« It's probably unusual for girls to... To say this kind of things, but... »

Then, it hit you that what you were willing to tell George was probably meaningless. You felt like an idiot.

You couldn't open your heart to George, could you ? You couldn't make a fool of yourself in front of the boy you loved... What if he didn't feel the same way towards you ? What if he had only wanted to be nice to you and that you had taken his kindness to be love - wrongly ?

You suddenly felt numb, lifeless. Pain took over your whole body. It ached so bad not being able to tell George the way you felt for him.

« Forget it... I... I should go ». Tears were threatening to flow again.

« Bye George », you managed to utter. A lump had formed in your throat. He gave you a puzzled look, failing to understand your intentions.

« Bye », you said again, reluctanctly averting your eyes from his. Getting ready to walk away from the boy you loved.

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