1. First meet?

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Hey lovelies! It's my first ever book and I'm soo excited and all, but still I might lack in many things, so I'm sorry. Since English isn't my first language, you might find some mistakes and errors, so please don't mind it. I'm trying to make it interesting as much as I could. I hope it gets interesting and fun for y'all. Do correct me if I'm wrong, by any chance. Please don't hate me for my lame English and story. I'll get improved by time.
Please do support me by voting and commenting, it'll motivate me alot<3!
So yeah that's it, thank you for seeing.
Happy Reading 💕


Author's perspective

"Yarr Dhriti please! Please please....." Manvi, her best friend tries to take dhriti to the club.

"Manu..please not now, you know I don't like noisy atmosphere, and even today i learnt some new techniques of dresses and designs, I need to work on it. I'm busy, manu, understa-"

"So that's why....you need a break meri jaan" Manvi exclaims

"Tsk.. see...um if you want... I'll make..the best dress fo-"

"Fine! I'll not talk to you now, I'll not chat with you or meet you or see you. Bye!" Manvi says while pouting and turns around to go.

"Alright! I'm coming.." dhriti says while sighing, audible enough for Manvi

"Yay! Thanks alot!" Manvi says while hugging dhriti.
"Ah! Fine now get off of me!" Dhriti says this struggling to get rid of Manvi, who was hugging, as if choking her to death.

"Well.. so today at 9 pm?" Manvi ask blankly while smiling.
Dhriti's eyes widened, and adds "That's too late! Okay? We should go at 7 and return back by 9-"
"What? No! That's too fast and early!"

They started bickering and the final time was 8 pm. And finally decided they're gonna wear something matching. It was common, since they often go to shopping with eachother, and choose almost matching outfit. It makes them happy.

Dhriti's perspective

Ah... I should take shower after reaching home. It's so tiring today.

"Himi! Listen today I'm leaving early okay?" I asked Himani, my work mate.

"Oh yes! Okay.. by the way, where are you going?" Himani asks mischievously

"Aish.. don't think dirty at all, I'm going to club with Manvi." I said laughing

"Hm...make sure to find yourself a boyfriend this time" she states laughing while turning around and going to her desk.

I scoffed while giving it a little laugh and shook my head at her statement.
I took an early leave today, so as to spend time with Manu, the so called influencer.
Manvi Ahuja, not that well known influencer but is like having 99.4k followers on instagram and 99.7k subscribers on YouTube.

"Oh.. you're home early today? See, try this dish, I don't know what it's called, Naina made it-" mummy says while feeding me one bite.

"It's tteobokki, i literally made it more than 4 times mamma, still you don't know it's name." Naina says sighing and munching on the snack she made.

"Hm...it's nice, more better than the previous one to be honest- oh! By the way, mummy today I'm going out with Manu, I'll come home by 10 so don't worry."

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