12. Silent Secret?

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Dhriti's perspective

We have already landed at the MYQ airport and are making our way towards the exit gate.

I'm damn sure that Naina and Manvi must be waiting for me.

I can't wait to meet them! I need to show my new friends to them! Specially Yash...

"Hey bro!" Suddenly a random guy jumped infront of us as soon as we walk out of the airport.

Yash gives him a tight hug while smiling ear to ear.

Then I realised that they must be yash's friend. Then soon, one more appears from behind of them and suddenly hugs them as if he's choking them.

Though I can see them and feel their happiness and moment but my mind was totally somewhere else.

I couldn't understand where Naina and Manvi are right now!

I couldn't see them in the crowd. Even after alot of calling no one is picking up their phones. They both are out of reach.


"Oh toh tu bhabhi ko bhi saath le aaya?"
(Oh you brought our sister-in-law along with you!)

A friend of Yash says teasingly while looking at Yash and sangeetha, who was beside him.

Bhabhi? Sangeetha?

Like a wave of uneasiness washes over me, not from the cold or fear, but more like a puzzle and anger..?

Well, not exactly puzzled... maybe more like annoyed?

Yeah, annoyed. I was waiting for Manvi and Naina, but they didn't show up, so annoyance and a hint of anger crept in.

But why does it feel so odd seeing Sangeetha and Yash together?

Could it be that they are dating-?

".....she's just like my sister idiot" Suddenly I heard Yash saying this.

And only God knows that why the hell I felt so freaking relief and a sigh escapes from my mouth.
And a small smile starts to form on my lips.

Suddenly one of his friend sees me and makes a....surprised face or stunned face or shocked face....I don't really understand.

He taps on the latter's shoulder. And now both of them were looking at me with their widen eyes.

Yash notices them and tries to talk to them taking them in a random corner of that place.

Many things are happening, many things happened and many things will happen. But Manvi and Naina will never come on time!

"Dhriti are you sure someone is going to come for you..? Otherwise I can..-" Sangeetha tries to approach and help in her any way possible.

"Oh no no Geet, it's totally okay, they said they are coming they just got stuck in a traffic. Nothing to worry about. You can go otherwise you'll get late"
I assured her with the best assuring smile of mine ever I guess.

"You sure right?"
She asks again to make sure. As i nod my head with an assuring nod, making her to believe me.

"Well then, we'll meet soon again. I don't know what and how the plan is but do let me know if there are any changes in the returning plan or not, okay?"

She says with a sweet smile of hers and after giving me a last hug, she starts going away from my sight.


Its Naina for sure!

I suddenly got hugged by someone from behind.
Knowing who it was I hugged her back.

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