10. Hard Slap?

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Dear Lovelies,

I hope y'all are doing great and are fine. I'm extremely sorry that I couldn't update the next chapter due to my stupid and poor health issues. Still I managed to write. I hope y'all will cooperate and understand it.

This is the new chapter. I might have to delete this book and start writing another story.

I don't know I'm still puzzled and confused. Please cooperate and support.

I'll post new chapter as soon as possible.

Thank you ♡.


Yash's perspective

I saw Varun, who was about to eat his baby corn, but suddenly stops while looking at a particular direction.

I followed his gaze, but due to crowd, i couldn't see it properly. I approached him and was about to pat on his shoulder when I suddenly heard him whisper "Niharika..?"

Frowning, I looked at his direction.
And it was none other than Niharika, with a random guy, being all lovey dovey romantically.

My eyes went wide and I was totally speechless.

Though I know that Varun is thinking of breaking up with Niharika, but...

"Yash..?" I heard Varun.

I looked at him while his eyes were glossy due to tear.

All I could do was to hug him and pat on his head, while doing small circles on his back.

Although, he didn't hug me back, his eyes were till towards her.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on us, as her eyes widen and the grips of her into the random guy loses.

I'm so angry that I could just smash her head right now.

Varun, then leans into me more and turns around his head, avoiding Niharika's gaze.

Sangeetha's perspective

I came out of the washroom and headed towards the bar where Dhriti and the others were supposed to be, but to my surprise, they were nowhere to be found.

Panic started to take over as I frantically searched for Dhriti, but unfortunately, I couldn't locate her.

I called out for Varun and Yash, hoping they might have some information. Luckily, I spotted them coming towards me.

Yash noticed my worried and alone state and asked, "Where's Dhriti, Sangeetha?"

I replied with a trembling voice, "I...I don't know"

His frustration burst out as he exclaimed, "Didn't I tell you to take care of Dhriti and yourself?!"

Varun chimed in, urging us to stop wasting time and start searching for her.

We nodded in agreement and embarked on our mission to find Dhriti.
It was definitely a tense moment for us.

Author's perspective

Yash and Varun were searching for Dhriti and Ria, but they couldn't find any trace of them. They even looked for Ria's friends, but no luck. Yash and Varun started to suspect that Ria might have planned something, which is why they couldn't find her or Dhriti.

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