2. First Kiss?

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Hey lovelies! How are y'all doing? This is the second part, it might be quite boring, so don't mind :)
Happy Reading!


Author's perspective

"Who are you?" Dhriti asked, being uncomfortable since she started to feel hot and quite dizzy.

"...And...how do you know that it's not a...soft drink?"

"...Your mother's son-in-law...? I am." Yash says while smirking playfully

Dhriti's perspective


"Just...get out.." I said irritated "from here"

I was already feeling dizzy and weird, then his bullshit lame reply and on top of that the noisy place. Just gave me headache.

And nothing else, but headache.

I see he just chuckled cutely.. and kept his empty glass in the counter.

"One more please" he says, still looking at me, as if trying to know what I'm gonna do next?

Till now I was pretending to be quite fine but irritated. But now.. I couldn't.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before getting up from my seat....just to increase my dizziness.

I sigh.

That's when the bartender gives him another glass.

My right hand automatically reached the right side of my head, lightly rubbing on it, I started walking, slowly.

Yash's perspective

I gulped my drink in one go and started following her.
Tsk...it must be her first time.

She was walking slowly, while some were obviously looking at her weirdly, and some were minding their own business.

I mean...they were dancing and not judging her, like others, atleast... I sighed

Assholes, they are.

I know she's gonna fall anytime soon, anyway.

I caught her by my left hand, while the right hand was free. I gulped.

I gulped looking at her half open eyes.

I gulped feeling her left hand over my chest.

I kept looking at her, until she suddenly mumbles something

"L-leave me....alone" her voice came out in quite shaky whisper.

But I freaking did listen to her.

It was as if there's nothing around us, and it's just us.

"Shh..don't worry, I won't do anything without your permission.." I whispered near her ear.

I opened her heels, that she was wearing, with my right hand. As we were still in that position, and I was still looking at her while she completely dozing off.

I could smell her additive aroma. A mixture of Jasmine and.... cinnamon? I sighed as I couldn't recognise the smell correctly.

As I removed her heels, I put her right hand over my neck behind, and i somehow picked her up in my arms.

She was completely dozed off by that time.

Now... I was holding her with my right hand, while the other one was occupied by holding her heels.

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