13. In Love?

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Author's perspective

"Manvi....I need an explanation"

The moment they step into Dhriti's room, she swiftly locks the door.

"So....care to explain.."

Dhriti says, after locking the door and sits facing towards Manvi.

"what should I tell you bro? what should I explain?"

Manvi says and sighs

"I don't know, but I do know that you must have an explanation for me... that's what I am asking for."

Manvi sighs and starts saying

"Do you remember we went to a club one evening a few months ago?"

"um, yes maybe I remember... so what about that?"

"So.... um... so... you remember that I kissed one random cute guy?"

"Um.....oh yes I guess... so?"

"And I left you alone....."


Manvi clicks her tongue and continues

"So theguywhomeandyouweretalkingaboutandtheonewhohelpedmecarryyoutowardsmycarthatdaywhileyouwereasleepwashim.... Yash..."

Dhriti looks at Manvi being so done by her drama.


"Bro what will happen to me now?"

Yash says, and continues biting his nails and tapping his sole/ball of his leg.

"Don't worry Yash-"

Ravi tries to make him feel less worried, but still gets interrupted by Yash.

"Seriously Ravi? I hid the whole thing from her since the beginning..."

"Your fault Yash... you would have said the whole thing to her if not in the beginning then atleast after some weeks of your friendship..."

Akash meddles in between

"But I told everything to her bestie-"

"Manvi.." Varun says her name, being totally obsessed with her.

"Yeah whatever, Manvi, I told her everything from the beginning, infact that day I helped her carry Dhriti on my arms towards her car!"

"Why we never knew about this until now?" Ravi says.

"It's not that necessary-"

"But to me it is-" Akash interrupts Varun.

"Are you all serious?"

Yash asks looking at them with strange and 'Seriously?' type of look on his face.


"So it was him..."

Dhriti says this in a low tone, audible enough for Manvi.

Manvi sighs heavily, and says, "Yes, it was him....Yash"

"But you shouldn't have hid this from me or atleast Naina, Manvi..."

Dhriti says looking at Manvi with mixed feelings of disappointment, surprised and a little hurt.

But the feeling betrayal was nowhere.

"I understand... I'm extremely sorry about that.."

Dhriti nods her head slowly while sighing and slowly smiling at Manvi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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