4. New Delhi?

77 13 6

Author's perspective

"Sorry na...please!" Dhriti pleads

"Nope! You're leaving me alone Dhriti!" Manvi says pouting.

"It's not like that! I'll return after one year you know na-"

"Yah but ONE YEAR! that's too much dhriti! You know na.... I have no chingu...!" Manvi fake cries
"...except you" she pouts

"Sorry love-!" Dhriti says while hugging her

"Well I wanna say you something!" Manvi suddenly says and holds Dhriti's hand gently

"Hm... What is it?"

"You remember that day...we went to club?"

"Club- oh! Yeah I remember!"

"Hm... And i got a call from my sister-"

"Yes! And that guy-"

"Hm so she- wait... Which guy do you mean?"

"Arreh....that guy who was sitting behind me-"

"Behind you? Which guy-?"

"Aish! Let that thing be.. but you know what.."


"He said that the drink I was drinking wasn't a soft drink..like dude I was the one who ordered so obviously I'll know which my drink is...right? "

"...oh!! Actually...yep...."

"What? What do you mean Manu?"

"It.... wasn't really.......a soft drink......"

"Manu? You're scaring me now-"

"It was......a drink called..........White Russian"

"What-?! White-...White Russian? What's that? And.......how do you..... know.....about it?!" Dhriti suddenly exclaims the last six words.

"I...I asked the bartender...."

"The guy.. behind me.."

"Behind you....?"

"that....that guy.....he ordered the same drink!"

"Ah.....let it be...that day was hectic....oh my lord-"

"What do you mean by hectic?"

"Obviously you were dru-....i me-"



"What do you mean by nothing-? Was I drunk Manvi?" Dhriti asks being very serious


"I was. Don't lie. Tell me that what actually happened?!"

Manvi sighs and says "Can we just leave this top-"

"No Manvi! I can't-"

"Fine!" She sighs again before saying "so that day... When I got a message from your phone-"

"Wait..that day-"

"Arreh listen to me now! Don't interrupt!"

Dhriti nods her head while her brows were frowned.

"Hmm so that day, after hanging up the call with my sister....I got your message and it said Hey, I'm not feeling well.... So I left the place sorry "

"What the-"

"Shh! Then I immediately called aunty.... to ask whether you reached home or not"

Dhriti suddenly gasps. "Then..?"

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