11. Lovebirds?

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Author's perspective

Right now Faiz, Fatima, Yash and Sangeetha were in a room which was more like a storeroom, in the villa.

Varun wasn't present there since he needed to have a perfect talk with Niharika and end their relationship.

Yash and others were eagerly waiting for Dhriti to wake up and explain what really happened and how.

Because, as they reached the place where Dhriti was tied on a chair, by that time Ria and her friends were already gone and weren't seen anymore.

The three got help from Faiz and Fatima and finally got into a small room where a bed was already present. Yash, who was carrying Dhriti on his arms, puts her on the bed gently.

Suddenly, Fatima notices Dhriti's hands, which were kind of trembling slightly while the face expression of Dhriti changes into fear or shock.

"I think......she's having a nightmare" Fatima says while Yash rushes over Dhriti and holds her hands securely.

Examining her, he sees that her eyelids were moving continuously as if she's either scared or nervous about something.

"Dh-dhriti...get up please...." Yash says gently as he shakes her slightly to wake her up.

"Wait lemme bring water...." Sangeetha says and tries to search for water as she goes out of the room.

After a while, Snageetha finally comes being exhausted. Fatima passes the bottle to Yash, and makes Sangeetha sit on the chair as Faiz gets up from the seat for her, since she was panting.

Finally, Dhriti wakes up while Yash stays right by her side for the support.

Dhriti was terrified, she couldn't even speak properly, since she never experienced those type of things and she is kind of obedient due to which her parents never slapped her on her face, that too very hard.

Yash thinks of taking her to dormitory and talk about the situation nicely.

"I think... we should go to dorm..." Yash says

"Yes....that's what I was thinking, this place will make her feel more nervous and uneasy. " Faiz says

"Wait let me get my car ready, I'll call Fatima then you all will come out" Faiz says and goes out so that he could get his car ready.

By that time, Varun gets there.

"Bro...Ria..." Varun says while breathing heavily.

"Wait.. sit here, and now tell me" Yash makes Varun sit opposite, to facing him.

"Ria...she's Niharika's cousin...."

"What?!" Both Sangeetha and Yash almost shouts, at the same time.

"Ria....Chaudhari..." Sangeetha gasps after whispering her name, audible enough for the others present in the room.

"Who's Niharika?" Fatima asks.

"Aish Varun's girlfriend......didnt i say you.." Sangeetha says while Fatima's eyes go wide.

"She was" Varun says

"Oh yeah right... Woah-"

Soon, Fatima gets call from her bf.

"Guys let's go.." Fatima says and helps others to get out of the room.

Dhriti was still confused and nervous, and mostly very sad. Yash holds her securely and helps her get out towards the car.

They find that some people were still there having fun and partying.

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