6. Pick me?

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Hey lovelies,

Sorry for not posting these few days!
I was so lazy and couldn't really think of how to start the story and keep a nice plot.
I'm posting it after many days. I'm really really sorry for it :(

I'll try to post one chapter each, once in a week.
So do support me <3.

And thanks alot to those who liked and commented on my previous chapter <3✨
I kinda expect the same on this chapter too <3.

Happy Reading <3


Yash's perspective

I ignored Ria, and asked Dhriti "Can...we talk in.... personal?"

I hope Ria goes away-

"Personal?!" Ria exclaims


"Yash wanna talk to a newbie in private?" One of Ria's friend says in her disgusting voice.

By now, everybody's eyes were on us.

And Varun was coming towards us

"Ria.. why are you meddling in their conversation?" Varun asks with irritation.

"I'm not meddling.....am i guys?" She asks her group

"No...." They all said in a sync.

"Ria is just trying to be friendly..."

"He's stupid, you shouldn't listen to him Ria"


"I think this newbie and Yash are in a relationship"

"Yeah, that's why he wanna talk to her in private!"

"How a pick me girl she is"

Pick me?! How dare sh-

"Yes, how did you seduce my boy?"


"Don't you know he's mine..."

And now, almost everyone present in the cafeteria were looking at us.

"Can you just shut up?"
I said gritting my teeth while looking at her.

"Not until you become mine" she smirks

She was literally getting on my nerves. 

I know she's obsessed with my money and all, whore-

All they want is a drama to create and insult anyone. 

I saw how Dhriti is soo uncomfortable.

A girl, comes beside Dhriti and says

"Ria...don't you have any other work instead of getting involved into something that's literally none of your business?"

I hope she handles Dhriti.

I hate myself for this situation! I was the one who caused this-


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