5. Bhaiya?

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Yash's perspective

Picking up my notebook, I locked the door and started rushing towards our class.

I hate Varun!
He said he'd wait for me this time...but nah!

That idiot is so selfish-



"Sorry sorry"
I said since I got bumped into her, and was about to continue my run when suddenly.....
I fell.

I fell on my butt-

"Arreh bhaiya... Are you okay?"

"....Yeah yeah...." I said trying to get up.

But her voice-?

"Are you sure?"

I jerked my head towards her, to have a view and yes!

It was indeed her!

How awesome it is!

"Dhriti..." My tongue slipped-
Though it was a whisper but..

"Sorry? Did you just.....say my name?"

She asks being concerned while her eyebrows were frowned.

I was speechless.
Very speechless.

"....no....nothing... bye!" I said
And slowly parted from her still having my eyes on her, while she keeps looking at me confused and her brows being frowned.

I reached towards my class and....wow.
Me and my professor were at the same time-

All I could do was look down and approach toward my seat which was beside Varun.

The whole class greeted the teacher while he starts teaching us.

And me? I was more than happy to see her in our college!

"What if our classes get combined?" I thought.

I remembered how she said arreh bhaiya- wait!.......
Wait wait wait!

What the hell??


She literally called me bhaiya-??

I was in my thoughts when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder.
It was Varun.

"Bhai....sir is looking at you-"

"What's your name?" The teacher asks.

Oh wow! Cool-

"...Yash, Yash Singh" I said trying to be cool...

"Stop daydreaming and stay attentive in class" he warns me with his deep strict voice.

"...sorry sir" was the only thing left from my mouth.

Was i that obvious?

"Bhai Bhai Bhai!! Today I saw her here" I excitedly claimed.

"Who, Dhriti?" He asks

"Yes! How do you know?!" I exclaimed
He surely knows!

His eyes widened while a little smile appears on his face.

"You only talk about one girl, Yash. You're so lucky!" He exclaims while looking at me brightly.

"I know, right!" I said and started to roam my eyes at the cafeteria in the hope of seeing her again.

But unfortunately, I didn't see any sign of her

"Was she alone?" Suddenly Varun asks

"Um...yeah, she was alone" I replied as he keeps the food plate on the table and takes a seat opposite to me.

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