Show 8: ''Connections''

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Some shows will contain jokes about gay shipping, and this indicates a pause for laughter, applause, or general dramatic effect: *

This one has a few...intense jokes

Hello, Wattpaddians! How are we all doing tonight? I'm gonna be real, I didn't realize it was already Friday, so if this show seems as scuffed as a Sorry Boys video, it's not just you seeing things.

I know I'm lucky to be able to just type these things out and post them, because you know what happens when you have to actually talk to people with your voice on a physical stage? You get things like Wilbur Soot calling an entire crowd ''chat'', that's what happens when you do real shows.


I know that was a low blow, but it's kinda reassuring to know that these guys mess up too and it doesn't mean you're untalented, it's just what the pressure of being in front of a crowd can do. That said, it's fun to go back and giggle at these moments from time to time. It's not super mature, but Wilbur laughs at c*m jokes, so the bar isn't that high, I suppose.


ANYWAYS, Valentine's Day just passed us, exciting right? Probably why we didn't see much of ol' Skeppy and Bad, they were celebrating together, if you're picking up the Primes I'm putting down. I mean, who's to say for sure, but you know I'm most likely right. Speaking of things to celebrate, this book of comedy shows has almost one hundred views!! If it keeps getting popular, well, I don't know what'll happen, but it will be cool!


Thank you all so so much for the support! I know this community has been struggling, but very few groups of people know struggle like us. We can and will see this through! Now, you know what I've noticed?


All the people who have worked on Tommy's videos, like the editors and camera people, can now technically put ''childcare experience'' on their resumes if they want to pursue other work, am I right?


Alright, alright, that was another cheap shot. I do love all these content creators but they're such idiots sometimes. It's all part of the charm, but I'm just saying, these shows get popular for a reason. Of course, we're idiots too, that's why it works. 


So, we're gonna have a shift in topics now. We all know Jack Manifold, right? Well, y'all better not tell anyone, but I really like his content and admire the person he is, and I know at least most of you agree. But we can't let him know that, and I will deny it for as long as I live. You guys understand? This a silent agreement within our community, we keep this under wraps. Speaking of which, I'm gonna have to wrap this up soon, so I gotta be funny while I still can.


Remember how I said watching Tommy is like taking care of an out-of-control child? Well, watching Tubbo's more like encouraging a much quieter child to finish a school project. We've all gotten that urge to call out ''You're doing amazing, sweetie!'', right? This is why Wilbur and Phil are important, somebody's gotta assist Tubbo with the glue stick, and tell Tommy he can't eat the glue stick. 


I think we all underestimate how cool you feel when you have something in common with a MCYT. (Unless it's Jack Manifold) I had to do a double take the time I heard Ranboo mention an anime I like. It's an odd feeling but it really helps your confidence for absolutely no reason.


Alright, this show hasn't been that good, but it's time for the closing time Tommy told the stream he had nice cheekbones in his face so I literally paused the VOD to check and actually got a tiny bit jealous, Tommy's a lot of things but he isn't a liar...most of the time.

Alright, that's gonna do it for now, good night Wattpad, you've all been a poggers crowd! Hope this wasn't too shabby for a show made up of last-second ideas!

(I do not enjoy Jack's content.)

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