Show 2: ''We're All Victims''

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(WARNING AS USUAL: SOME OF THESE SHOWS WILL CONTAIN JOKES ABOUT GAY SHIPPING! And as usual, this indicates a pause for laughter, applause, or general dramatic effect: * )

Hello there Wattpad, I'm here to perform for you all for the second time, my first show REALLY took off more than I was expecting, thank you all so much for the support! Now, how about we just jump right in and discuss why the people who spread hate against even the innocent members of the MCYT fan community are the most disgraceful humans the planet has to offer? 


See, the particular group of MCYTs that the term 'MCYT' applies to in this context is 80% content creators who have collapsed on the proverbial battlefield and 20% content creators who are still putting up this hopeless fight, and by that I mean 80% of them have quite literally just said 'fuck it' and started making s-x jokes and swearing like sailors, and 20% are still trying to make content you can watch with your little siblings.
And to be honest I have a lot of respect for that, especially as an oldest sibling, and as a writer and now comedian, I have to say it's not easy to be funny and keep it G-rated at the same time, but also it feels like they're starting to go criminally fucking insane over it and frankly I don't blame them.


And because of their content being too young and hip for a lot of adults but a lot of it being too mature for the little tots, I still remember the time I caught my youngest brother watching Quackity and panicked like Ranboo panics over certain men, their audience consists almost exclusively of teenagers, and let me tell you, puberty is NOT the time to get involved with this community!


Think about it, you're both realizing how much your childhood sucked and also missing it, your emotions are becoming intense but haven't leveled out yet and now you got a bunch of emotional SMP lore and potential ARGs to keep up with, your new brain chemicals are cooking up a desire for some pretty intense DNF fics, and your parents never understand any of it, just to name a few reasons this combination is brutal, so you're going through all of this alone.

 And some thirty-something, basement-dwelling, jealous-of-content-creators, less-than-average Joe, who's already part of a mind-numbingly disgusting society that shames teenagers for everything they try to enjoy, has the fucking NERVE to try to tell us we're being cringey for, say, making edits of the people we look up to, who make our lives a little better during this formative time, even if they can also be a source of stress? I don't think so.


Now that I've bashed the people who NEED to be bashed, let's take some more good-natured jabs at our favorite content creators! So, I feel like a lot of us want someone to just find us like how the other CCs just found Ranboo and Boo got famous overnight, I'm like, 'I keep drawing Technoblade in the fog on my window but nobody comes knocking on my door asking if I want to jump in their Cadillac!'


We're all pretty delulu, to be perfectly honest, but that's okay, you don't get to be as famous as they are by being normal, I'd argue they'd just be a bunch of boring Minecraft emos if they weren't so unhinged. 


Alright, I'm about to reach my 600 word limit, so my closing joke is gonna be that I used to defend Skeppy and Bad's homosexual behavior. That's it, that's a whole joke.
My name's Anonymous_Author163, y'all have been a wonderful crowd! Goodnight Wattpad, thank you all for coming! This may not have been as funny as my last one, but your support means a ton, next time it'll probably be better! Love you all!

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