Show 12: ''Euphoria''

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!!Some shows will contain jokes about gay shipping, none will contain mean jokes about any CCs, and this indicates a pause for laughter, applause, or general dramatic effect: *!!

Good evening, Wattpaddians!! This week kinda flew by, but now that I feel somewhat less like a dissociative swamp rat, I figure I should try to bring some more positivity to all of you. And besides, I need a distraction, which is why I'm typing this up on a late Thursday night rather than waiting til Friday evening when I'm actually going to publish it.


I know I talked a lot last time about the actual state of things, but honestly, I've had enough of realism for the time being. The point of this community is for daydreamers to come together and escape the real world that constantly ruins our plans, and it won't do us any good to just not acknowledge the better side of things. 


For one thing, there are many of us who have healed from unrelated shit along this...journey, I guess you'd call it. We've grown a lot, and in my humble opinion, the real growth is realizing that we're more responsible for our own growth than this community is. Sure, pain is still more constant than peace right now, but just like CCs calling themselves straight, no pain really lasts forever.


Because this is my show, I'm allowed to switch from one comedic tangent to another any time I like, so how about Skephalo, huh? Watching them interact is like watching two ants in the kitchen who keep feeling each other's antennae over and over instead of going their separate ways. You know it's probably not romantic, but you can't shake the way it looks.  


Whatever they have is definitely not one-sided, but part of me feels like it's hitting Skeppy a little harder for some reason, or at least it felt like that at first. It's a weird, like, time whiplash feeling to look back on how much things have leveled out. Anyway, I brought that up because I have to say that down Bad. It's out-of-pocket wordplay, but it's clever, and I needed to post it before someone else said it first.


Speaking of Bad, I intentionally picked up his habit of saying ''Language'' whenever profanities are spilled because it's a good way to keep myself from picking up Tommy's less savory habit of swearing like a sailor, and as much as it's helped, I've noticed that I'm swearing in my mind a lot more now. I CONSTANTLY have to language myself and I don't know how Bad hasn't lost his mind completely.


It's probably just all the swearing I hear and see online and not a result of the language thing, but it's pretty funny to imagine the same thing happening to Bad. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Bad was going through internal stuff all the time. Alright, so I know I've talked a lot about the bad mental health of this community, but I need to emphasize that my sleep schedule got thrown off to the point that I woke up at noon the other day with bloodshot eyes. Coffee fixed the problem, but damn, it's almost an achievement.


On the bright side, there are owls living near my bedroom window and I hear them a lot. Owls are my lucky animal, so I like to think that this means I still have a guardian angel despite my intrusive thoughts. Plus, I have learned a lot from being in this fandom.


For starters, Tommy taught me that if my wonderful sweetheart Wattpad son, Mono, ever starts a streaming career, I need to talk to him and make sure I don't accidentally interrupt him and embarrass him in front of a huge audience, ffs. I have also learned, thankfully through other peoples' stories and not my own experiences, that if I hear a new word from CCs, not to ever ask a parent what it means. I'm good enough at context clues where I don't need to anyway.

Alright, that's gonna do it for tonight, you've all been an amazing crowd! Bye and stay poggers, Wattpad!

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