surprise...! pt. 5

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(you thought it was over LMAO no I love this series.)
(Surprise> family affairs)
(I'm working on a couple of different chapters but I had a dream about this)

"Marley!" Janet ran in the room. "Can I play with the baby?" She talked excitedly.

"Dunk, what time is it?" I turned over and mumbled, barely awake. "Stop yelling, you're gonna wake up Aniyah. Come here.." I said, holding my arms out for her.

"It's 6!" She said excitedly, climbing in the bed with me. "When can I play with the baby?" She asked and I just cuddled her. "We're gonna take a nap, you two can play when we wake up, okay? Go to sleep.." I sighed and closed my eyes.

When I woke back up, Janet was asleep next to me. I got up and went to brush my teeth and wash my face while I still had some time and silence..

As I'm putting on my moisturizer, I hear Aniyah start babbling. Now that she's 9 months old she doesn't cry as much and it's so nice. She babbles and giggles. But I mean, she's such an easy baby, she was so quiet. She's happy, she smiles a lot.

I went back to the room and picked her up from her crib, holding her close. "Hi my baby.." I cooed softly as she smiled at me.

It's like Janet could sense the baby girl was awake because she woke up and immediately got excited. "Aniyah's awake!" She said excitedly. "Can we play now?" She asked and I smiled, shaking my head. "Yes Janet, you can play with the baby. Are you hungry?" I asked, putting Aniyah in her walker thingy..

"I'm SOOOO hungry!" She groaned and I smiled slightly. "Okay. Watch her, come get me if you need anything. I'm going to make us some waffles."

I went to the kitchen and put waffles in the toaster. The house was so quiet, everyone was working or at school.. it was just me, Janet, and Aniyah..

I want Tito to come back..

It gets so lonely in the house by myself. I never get out of the house.. Tito's so lucky, he's never at home.

I should call him.

The toaster popped and I put them on a plate for Janet. I grabbed her a fork and brought it to her before running back to the kitchen and grabbing Aniyah's baby food and putting my own waffles in the toaster.

"I wonder what this baby food tastes like.." I mumbled as I grabbed a baby spoon and went back upstairs. Janet was eating her waffle and Aniyah was chewing on her hand. I sighed and sat down, smiling. "baby, open up please.." I said softly while opening her chicken apple baby food. She smiled at me and reached out for the container.

"Ma!" She shouted and giggled. I scooped her some food and spooned it into her mouth. "Good girl.." I kept feeding her and about halfway through, she stopped opening her mouth for the spoon.

"Are you done?" I asked Aniyah and Janet looked at me. "I'm done!" She smiled and I grabbed her plate. "Okay, I'll take your plate. Come with me and grab some paper towels.."

We went downstairs and Janet grabbed some paper towels while I quickly ate my waffle. I made sure Janet washed her hands and we went upstairs. I wiped Aniyah's face and her hands and then let Janet continue playing.

It's the same thing over and over every day and it's just so isolating. I love Dunk and Niyah but I just.. I'm so lonely. So lonely and it makes me feel so depressed..

"Say Janet!" Janet spoke softly to Aniyah who bounced in her walker excitedly. "Bah!" Janet sighed. "No you're not a sheep. Say Janet!" Aniyah just grabbed Janet's nose, giggling. Janet smiled softly "can you say Marley? Mar-ley?" Aniyah smiled and babbled out a "Maw-ey?"

I looked at Janet and hugged her excitedly. "Oh my gosh, she said my name! I can't believe it, thank you Dunk! You're literally the best!" I kissed her cheeks and she giggled. "I'm just the best auntie in the world!" I smiled and nodded. "You are! You really are.. oh we should call Tito and tell him!"

I pulled out my phone and called Tito, smiling happily. He picked up the phone and chuckled "Yes, Marley?" I squealed "Tito! Baby girl said her first word! She said my name, she said Marley!" I giggled and leaned over to kiss Aniyah's chunky little cheeks, causing her to giggle.

Tito gasped and spoke excitedly. "She did? She's speaking? I need to see this, I'm on my way- I'll see you in a minute!"

I waited excitedly for Tito, praising Aniyah the whole time. "Oh baby, you're so cute... You're so smart, baby!" I giggled. I looked at Janet. "you really are the best Auntie, aren't you? Oh Janet, you just helped make my day, my week, my month, my whole year! I hugged her tightly and she giggled and squealed. "You're squeezing me!"

Tito came running up the stairs and I stood up, hugging him. "hi Tito!" He held me tight. "She really spoke?" I nodded and we sat in front of her walker.

"Can you say it again?" I asked. "Say Marley." Aniyah looked at me and giggled. "Mmma- Mah-" I corrected her gently. "Marley.." she giggled playfully and looked at her dad. "Bah!" Janet laughed.

"No you're not a sheep! Say Marley!" Aniyah smiled "Maw-ey!!" Me and Tito gushed over her and I pulled her out of her walker. "Good job, baby..." Tito looked at me "Let me hold her.." I gently handed her over to her dad and he held her carefully, like she was still a fragile little newborn. He kissed her forehead and smiled. "Good job, baby girl.." he rocked her and looked at me.

"Do you want another one?"

I stared at him. "No, not right now." He pouted. "Whyyyy? I want another baby, it it's a girl, we can name her Katie, after my mom! Or if they're a boy, we can name him Tito." I just looked at him, slightly annoyed.

"First of all, I'm only seventeen. I'm seventeen and I'm doing this by pretty much myself. I mean, you're here and I appreciate that, but you have to rehearse so much all the time. You're never here and I love Janet but she can't help me raise a baby, she's four. Now, when Aniyah is three or four, we can have another baby! Sure! But she's not even one year old and, she needs a lot of attention and if I go through morning sickness, nausea, constant doctors appointments, and then I'm taking care of my new baby, she's not going to get the love she needs. I'm not your mom, I'm not a superhero, and I can't raise two babies under two at the same time. I mean, that's insane. You don't work normal hours, you're literally gone from before the sun comes up until it's dark. And it's summertime. Now, the day you can find a way to not be constantly flying around the world and not being constantly in the studio, writing music, singing, playing your guitar... That day, we can have another baby."

"What if I quit the band?"

"Please do not do that."

"But I want another one and I just, I feel guilty. I want to be here more in general. I miss you guys."

"Well just- ask to leave early. You're like almost twenty years old and you guys toured and it was awesome but you all need a break- you need a break. Just ask!"

"You know Joseph."

"You cannot quit because he will blame me. Actually, don't talk to him, talk to your mom."

"Joe isn't even there most of the time, we could really just stop."

"Wait, where is he?" I asked and Tito looked at me. "I'm not sure if I should say what I think. I'm not sure but..." He looked at Janet. "Nevermind." He looked back at me. "Come on, we're going out to eat. I'll keep the baby and get her and Janet ready, you get in the shower."

I looked at him concerned before getting up. "I'm gonna go get in the shower.. thank you Tito"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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