6. Just For the Record

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To say Katsuki is annoyed is an understatement.

To say he's so unbelievably annoyed and even shocked shitless that this clueless yellow-eyed Dunce-faced idiot had the audacity to march down the Goddamn Beach to a cottage he was uninvited to to see a guy he had never met before to ask him to come to a party that chances are Deku has no real interest in, is a HUGE understatement.

Katsuki is downright pissed off and it must be showing because there's a sudden soft voice at his side as he trudges down the beach.

" Kacchan, are you ok? You've hardly said a word since we left my place."

Crimson eyes shoot down to the male next to him who gives him a smile even though there's concern in green eyes.

At first the blonde doesn't say anything as he lets himself think of the answer.

Honestly he shouldn't be upset right? Because he wasn't necessarily on a date with the greenett they were just hanging out. And Izuku has the right to do whatever he wants while he's here even if that's hanging out with his extra friends and not spending time alone with him.

Yes, all that may be true, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't bothering the fuck out of him right now.

" Hello? Kacchaaaaan?", Izuku says with laughter at the blonde's silence as he snaps his fingers.

Katsuki smirks bumping his shoulder into the greenett's knocking him slightly off balance.

"I'm here nerd. Sorry."

Izuku chuckles as he looks up at the blonde as they walk.

" Ok, but is there anything wrong?"

Katsuki sighs a bit, eyes straight ahead as they move down rows of several beach cottages. He gives a shrug of his shoulders.

" I dunno it's just this isn't what I had planned and I've been to his parties, if you've seen one you've seen them all. There's just other shit I'd rather do tonight then this. And honestly I'm pissed off at him just barging in on you like that, doesn't feel right to me. He doesn't even fucking know you."

Izuku feels his heart flutter in his chest while butterflies do the same against his stomach. He smiles softly.

" Well I think that's the point, he wants to get to know your old friend and let's look at the most amazing part here."

Katsuki furrows his brow looking down at green eyes.

" What amazing part?"

There's a playful smile on fair features as the greenett steps in front of his crush walking backwards as he speaks.

" The fact that he totally called you out on the fact that I make you smile like all the time. I mean considering you're grumpy Kacchan that's a huge compliment.", he grins.

It might be reaching evening hours but there's definitely a rare blush on the tan skin of a blonde lifeguard that can be seen clearly.

Katsuki rolls his eyes with a smirk.

" Shut up."

Izuku breaks into laughter.

" All the time Kacchan, he said ALL. THE. TIME.", he says emphasizing each word.

Katsuki can't help the laughter escaping from his chest.

" Obvious he's a liar and has no fucking idea what he's talking about."

Izuku laughs again with a smirk of his own.

" Oh I think he does know what he's talking about, I mean you're smiling even now."

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