14. Night Out

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The sound of the ocean breeze hitting the small hut with the feel of sunlight coming through the windows makes green eyes flutter open as sleep leaves his system.

As a tired mind begins to come back to life he feels the strong arms of his boyfriend who has him held tightly while they spoon. He smiles closing his eyes again just enjoying the feeling of the steady rise and fall of the blonde's built chest behind him. They had fallen asleep here in the abandon lifeguard hut on a pile of rafts and blankets listening to the storm outside and talking well into the morning hours. It had been three am the last time Izuku had looked as his phone before sleep took them under.

Izuku stretches his feet out feeling the dull throbbing aches of what took place not once but twice last night. He smiles to himself with a blush because he should have definitely been careful what he wished for just like Katsuki had warned him. He turns around slowly trying not to wake his sleeping boyfriend who is still passed out hard next to him.

He can't help but smile at the sight. Katsuki always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. His features soften and relax fully but he's no less drop dead gorgeous Izuku thinks, maybe possibly even more so.

Gentle fingers reach out and push back a flat blonde spike near Katsuki's eye then softly touch a sharp jawline. The blonde lifeguard stirs slightly in his sleep under his boyfriend's touch making Izuku ache with affection for him. He leans in placing a hand on the blonde's warm bare chest and places a soft kiss on his cheek.

Crimson eyes slowly open at the sensation on his skin. As those groggy eyes begin to focus better he sees the fair freckles of his boyfriend who is propped up on his chest. He smirks sleepily reaching up to run his thumb over pretty freckles.

" You asking for more already? Let me get some coffee first and we can do this.", he teases in his rough morning voice.

Izuku blushes as he breaks into a laugh.

" No Kacchan that's not what I was doing! I'm still sore from last night and before you say anything, I know, I know I asked for it."

The blonde chuckles looking at a smile he's sure will always cause his heart to ache.

" You definitely did, not once but twice.", he smirks.

Izuku taps his chest playfully with a laugh.

" Hush! I know! Can't help it, you're just too hot for you're own good! And mine!"

The blonde laughs along with him as he sits up finally stretching built arms above his head.

"I'll take that compliment. We should get going. Go home shower and I'll make you some breakfast and then I was thinking later we could go to the carnival on the boardwalk and we'll have a night out."

Green eyes light up with childlike happiness.

" Yes! Let's do that!", he grins already getting up pulling his shirt on.

The blonde shakes his head with a smile of amusement as he stands getting dressed.

" That was quick, maybe I should have gone with something way hotter than the amusement park if I would have known you were gonna agree that fast.", he grins.

Izuku rolls his eyes laughing.

" It doesn't take much for me to agree to that stuff with you and you know it."

The blonde gives a sexy smirk.

" I know, it's fucking great.", he winks.

They both laugh as they clean up and head out.

Not long later the two are back at Katsuki's and in a hot shower together where the blonde is sure to gently wash his boyfriend careful to be extra gentle over bites and love marks from the night before. They talk softly, laughing and sharing easy loving kisses as both make sure to soap down the other throughly.

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