8. No Sleep

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* Smut here*

After a kiss that seems to burn itself into the setting sun, the pair are out of water surfboards under arms but hands intertwined as they walk along the now darkened beach headed for Katsuki's jeep.

There's a comfortable silence between them as they move along the sand, only the sound of the waves crashing in the near distance but Izuku's mind is running with a million rambling thoughts.

He has always wanted a relationship with Katsuki. Ever since that summer  no one else could ever compare. Dating never worked out for him and he knows that's because down deep he always knew there wasn't anyone who could ever compete with the blonde he had met on this very beach during a vacation his parents had drug him on that he thought would be boring. Boy, was he wrong, that vacation ended up being anything but boring in fact it was the best one of his life.

Until now, this one is even better.

There's a smile on fair features one that Katsuki notices as he shifts his eyes to the male next to him holding his hand tightly.

" What's got you smiling like that huh?", the blonde ask with a smirk.

Green eyes look up quickly to see a raised brow and a grin as Katsuki waits for an answer.

He smiles softly and even though evening has fallen heavy Katsuki can see the dust of blush on fair skin.

" You. I ..I was just thinking about how much this feels like some kind of dream that I'm scared to wake up from. By the end of that summer I had grown so attached to you and I just kept thinking about what it would be like to have a real relationship with you someday. I know we were just kids then but I still knew how much I liked you and how much it bothered me when I left.", he says in a voice that's both happy and sheepish making the lifeguard's heart skip in his chest.

There's a hint of a rare smile on sharp handsome features as Katsuki nods while he squeezes a smaller hand.

" Yeah, I get that. I felt the same, you leaving hit me like a hit damn truck. I was pretty miserable for quite a few months after that."

The greenett looks up in surprise as he slows his steps making Katsuki do the same.

Crimson eyes study him as he raises a brow.

" What's wrong?"

" N-nothing it's just.. you really felt that way?"

Katsuki chuckles, grateful that maybe just maybe the darkening beach will hide the blush dancing across his complexion as his confession.

" Well yeah. Like I said before there was so many things I wanted to say but didn't really have a damn clue how. I wanted to let you know how I felt but being a sixteen year old kid I wasn't sure what to do about all of it."

The blonde pauses as he stares down into dark green eyes that are locked on with anticipation. A slow sultry smile forms as Katsuki leans down running his thumb over Izuku's bottom lip.

" But I know exactly what to do about it now."

There's a shiver down Izuku's spine, one that has nothing to do with the cooling night air. The beating of his heart is so loud it's drowning out the ocean waves and before Katsuki can question the silence Izuku throws his arms around the blonde's neck and pushes himself in for a kiss.

The sudden move of a warm greedy mouth on his own takes Katsuki by surprise for only a minute. He regains his senses quickly and takes control over the kiss turning it demanding and rough while strong arms engulf the smaller male pulling Izuku so close and hard it makes his breath hitch.

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