13. Riding Out The Storm

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* Smut here*

Crimson eyes look out over the waters that are beginning to churn with rough waves. The sky is darkening showing sure signs of an upcoming storm.

" Man, it's coming in huh?", Kirishima says as he stands next to the blonde who's scanning the water..

" Yeah, but luckily it looks like most everyone is getting out of the water.", the blonde says.

The redhead chuckles.

" Yeah that's true. Speaking of which isn't Mido surfing down the beach a ways where it's mostly deserted?"

The blonde smirks putting down the binoculars he was looking out across the water with.

" Yup, that's why I'm leaving now so I can go down there and fish his ass out of the water before the storm actually hits because I know him and he'll think he can surf in this shit."

Kirishima laughs as Katsuki gathers his things.

" Yeah that's true. He definitely seems like a risk taker."

Katsuki chuckles with a smirk.

" He just doesn't know any better. I swear to God it's like training a fucking puppy."

" Haha! Yeah I guess that's pretty accurate. I'm surprised you let him this far out of your sight bro. You seem to keep a pretty close watch on him."

The blonde shrugs.

" I keep an eye on him cause I feel like I have to. I spent that summer getting him out of trouble and nothing has changed, except for the fact that I'm more worried now because we're together and shit. He told me where he was going to be today and he's been checking in so I know he's alright but that doesn't mean I'm not going to get him now because he'll push it. See you later loser.", he smirks as he heads out the door hearing his friends laughter.

" See ya bro! Tell Mido I said hi!"

By the time Katsuki has driven his work truck down the beach to where Izuku is located the storm is right upon them, the rain has started to come down heavily and the wind is whipping the sand around so hard it feels like glass to the skin.

Crimson eyes squint against the wicked weather as soon as he gets out of his truck trying to spot the greenett that he's hoping is out of the water already.

Lightening flashes overhead followed by a crash of thunder that echos across the stormy beach.

Katsuki doesn't see any signs of his boyfriend, in fact he doesn't see any signs of anyone.

" Deku???! Deku are you out here?!", he yells cupping his hands on either side of his mouth to be heard over the storm.

Just as he's starting to feel slightly panicked a hand grabs his lifeguard windbreaker from behind.

" Kacchan! I'm here! This storm got bad really fast. I was walking towards the road when I heard you yelling for me!"

The blonde is so happy to see the green wind blown hair of his boyfriend that he can't stop the grin on his features.

" Damn I'm happy to see you out of the water and yeah it's bad as fuck. I won't be able to see to drive in this shit so we'll have to wait it out, come with me!", he yells over the storm as he takes his boyfriend by the hand and begins to jog down the beach.

It's not long before a lifeguard hut comes into view.

Katsuki quickly moves to the location with a smaller palm locked in his taking the steps to the hut swiftly and getting them sheltered from the storm.

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