10. A Heartfelt Scolding

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Izuku feels somewhat like a kid who's been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to while his parents where out while an angry blonde roughly dries soaked green locks with a towel on the deck of the beach house.

Katsuki has barely said anything but he doesn't need to for Izuku to know he isn't happy, the deep scowl and mumbled curses say everything his words aren't.

The greenett nervously chews his bottom lip as he tries to look up at the blonde threw the assault on his curls. Between fast whips of the black towel he cab see a glance from crimson eyes that hold a stern look that Izuku isn't use to seeing from the blonde.

He gently reaches out and tugs the blonde's tshirt.

" Kacchan...?"

The blonde barely makes eye contact as he mumbles his reply.

" What?"

The tone of that one word let's Izuku know he's in trouble with the handsome lifeguard.

" Are.. are you mad at me?"

Katsuki doesn't even hesitate.

" Yes."

Izuku scrunches his face as his heart sinks.

" Wow that was fast.", he mumbles sheepishly.

Before he can say anything else Katsuki tosses the towel over his shoulder and speaks again.

" Go get in a hot shower. You're shivering and you need to get the salt out of your hair.", he says flatly as he walks inside with green eyes following him.

Izuku gets up and follows the blonde slowly a short distance behind as he watches Katsuki in the kitchen while he rummages through the fridge. He takes a deep breath trying to calm the nervous he now feels.

" Kacchan I.. I didn't mean to upset you it's just that it didn't look so bad and I was only going to go in for a little b..."

Katsuki suddenly cuts him off not turning around.

" Deku! Will you for once just do what I fucking say!? Just listen to me for once and get it the damn shower before you get sick!", he snaps while he slams his beer bottle on the counter still not turning around.

Green eyes go wide with a sting to his chest. He's never heard Katsuki raise his voice with serious anger before. He wants to speak but the words are stuck in his throat and there's tears welling that burn the corners of green gems.

Izuku doesn't say anything more just wanders down the hall to the bathroom to do as he was told.

As the hot water streams over him warming his cold skin he thinks about Katsuki's stren words and anger filled tone. He bites his lip hating that his new boyfriend is upset with him something he wants to try and fix as soon as he can so the tension clears. After washing up throughly and making surr salt is out of green locks he opens the shower curtain reaching for a towel.

As soon as the curtain is open his eyes land on a set of sweats and a tshirt that Katsuki must have slipped in quietly while he was under the heavy stream of water and lost in thought. There's a smile on his fair features that the blonde was still looking out for him even though he was angry.

That's when it suddenly hits. Hits like a punch to the chest that Katsuki has always been looking out for him, that summer they first met when he kept him out of trouble at every turn and this one where he once again saves him over and over again.

Now he's starting to get it, the anger, the lashing out. Katsuki, was worried.

Outside crimson eyes watch the evening waves as he sits on the sand sipping his beer. He takes a deep breath inhaling the ocean breeze trying to let his emotions calm down. He didn't want to be so sharp with Izuku but he couldn't seem to help it. He sighs deeply putting his head back towards the sky closing his eyes as he stretches his arms back resting large palms against the still warm sand.

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