12. One of Many

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Pretty far into an intense game of beach volleyball Katsuki is having a rough time keeping his eyes off the greenett who is on the opposite team and shirtless with sweat running down his form showing off that toned body of a surfer. The blonde suddenly begins to wonder why the hell he agreed to this when he could have that toned body locked under him in bed right now. Before he can ponder this thought much longer he jumps up spiking the ball hard and ending the game with his team winning.

Izuku is laughing breathless as he steps up to his boyfriend who's wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

" Nice job showoff.", he grins

Katsuki smirks at him as he leans in close.

" Surprised I could play at all watching you across the net looking all hot and shit. Trying to provoke me Deku?"

Izuku blushes slightly though his mouth holds his own smirk.

" No, but I will totally take responsibility for that reaction and you're one to talk, you always look hot no matter what you're doing."

The blonde gives a cocky grin pulling him into his arms for a hug.

" I mean, I can't fucking argue with the truth."

They both laugh as Izuku rolls his eyes while the blonde leans down chasing a kiss that the greenett grants immediately.

Before they get to lost something cold and wet hits the couple exploding on impact shocking them both back into reality. The sound of heavy laughter from their friends draws both sets of eyes in that direction where they see Sero with a water balloon in his hand.

" Break it up lovebirds! Let's do some fishing!", the dark haired male calls as he launches another water balloon at the couple with a grin.

Katsuki steps in front of Izuku quickly shielding him from the ice cold water they are being assaulted with,taking the hit to his chest where the balloon bust on contact causing goosebumps on warm skin.

" You shits! That's fucking freezing! We'll be there in a minute!", the blonde yells and the group laughs.

Izuku takes the blonde's hand with a chuckle.

" Come on, we better get down there before they start throwing them again."

The blonde holds the smaller hand in his with an eye roll.

" Tch. Bastards always ruining the moment."

Izuku laughs looking up at the tall handsome lifeguard he gets to call his own.

" We'll have lots more moments, so don't worry."

Katsuki smiles hoping that's true, hoping that these days they spend together are not the last, that this romance goes well past summer and dances with memories into every other season for years to come. A soft hand that squeezes his brings his thoughts back to current time.

" Kacchan? You ok, you kinda zoned out."

Crimson eyes meet emerald ones that smile as soon as they meet.

" Yeah, I'm good.", he winks as they move to the other who are on the pier where the group is waiting.

Half hour in Izuku is leaning back against his boyfriend who is sitting behind him on the pier with both their legs hanging over the edge. The greenett is holding a fishing pole with a scrunched face while Katsuki takes a sip of the beer in his hand.

" Kacchan, I don't think this bait is working. Nothing is biting my line at all, like not even a nibble. Or maybe this is a bad spot. Do you think this is a bad spot? Or maybe I should try different bait or a lure, Humm, but I'm pretty sure you taught me that the fish like the fresh bait stuff better and that's definitely what I put on here. What do you think?"

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