11. Jealous

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Crimson eyes open to the sound of crashing waves outside his window. He lays there unmoving listening to the sounds of the ocean, something he has always loved, something that always made him feel at peace.

As his brain starts to slowly come back to life from sleep he turns his head just slightly to see a fair skinned emerald eyed surfer laying peacefully asleep on his arm. The steady rise and fall of Izuku's chest as he sleeps and the soft gentle sounds of his breathing makes the blonde realize this is too one of his favorite sights and sounds, one that also makes him feel a wave of peace in his system.

There's a smile on his features while he kisses green curls with a content sigh closing his eyes again just enjoying the moment.

Izuku has been staying with him now for two weeks and things have been going perfectly smooth, almost like they've lived like this forever. There's no stress or strain, nothing is forced or uneasy. Time with Izuku is fun, it always was nothing has changed but just like that summer years ago time is moving too fast and that is the one thing making Katsuki uneasy.

As he watches the dark lashes of his boyfriend slightly flutter while he sleeps his heart begins to ache thinking about how lonely it will be when he leaves to go home. They haven't officially talked about that part but when he heard Izuku say something about leaving when summer was over a few weeks ago.

He lets out a deep sigh as he quietly slips out of bed carefully not wanting to wake the sleeping surfer.

After a trip to the bathroom a walk outside on the deck to drink his coffee and look over the waves a blonde lifeguard is making breakfast when from behind him like a silent ninja, he's gripped in a bear hug by smaller arms that wrap around his torso hugging him tightly.

Katsuki chuckles and smiles immediately at the feel, placing a large hand around Izuku's wrist.

" Morning Nerd, was wondering if you were gonna sleep all damn day."

He feels the greenett giggle against his back then yawn sleepily.

" Morning Kacchan, not my fault you kept me up all night.", he laughs, his face still pressed to the built bare back of his boyfriend.

The blonde smirks as he expertly flips the omelet in the pan.

" I didn't hear you complaining last night.", he says with a grin.

Izuku smiles with soft laughter as he peeks around his large boyfriend to see what he's cooking with still groggy eyes.

" That's because I'd be crazy to complain about what we did last night. What are you making?", he questions his stomach grumbling with hunger as the scent hits his nose.

The blonde chuckles.

" Omelets and a pile of bacon. I already put your juice by your plate. Go on and sit down and I'll bring it out when I'm finished."

As green eyes take in the amazing ocean view he hears Katsuki answer a call while he's cooking.

" Today?"

" I have off yeah but hell I dunno if I wanna spend my day hanging out with you losers or not, plus I gotta talk to Deku before I commit to anything because he might not want to see your ugly faces even more.", Katsuki smirks sending Izuku a wink when he walks into the room with breakfast plates.

Izuku laughs quietly with a head shake of amusement sure that the blonde is talking to one of his friends. He digs into his omelet then his face lights up at how good it is making the blonde smile when he sees it.

Katsuki is barely listening to the conversation as he watches his boyfriend happily eat with almost a hum in his sound, he's even slightly rocking in his seat he's so happy with his meal and something about the sight and sound makes the blonde feel a heavy sense of affection for the greenett across the table.

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