Chapter: 1

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It was Ishan's first party since joining the MI franchise, and he couldn't contain his joy at being on the same team as his idol Sachin Tendulkar. Regardless of which franchise he'd joined, Ishan was determined to give his all.

The party was massive, fitting for being hosted by one of the world's richest families, the Ambanis. This was all new and overwhelming for Ishan, who was born and raised in Bihar.

Lost in thought while sipping his drink, Ishan was interrupted by the arrival of Hardik Pandya, who greeted him with a hug.

"Hey Ishan, how's the party treating you?"

"It's good, bhaia. A bit overwhelming though. I've never been to such a big party before."

"Get used to it, buddy. This is just the beginning.Why are you sitting alone here.Come on, let's go find Rohit"

With that, Hardik led Ishan through the crowd. As Ishan followed, he accidentally bumped into someone, causing a drink to spill all over his shirt.

Ishan glanced up, initially irritated by the collision, but his annoyance melted away as he laid eyes on the most enchanting face he'd ever seen. No, not the spillage, he realized, but the girl in front of him. She was apologizing profusely for the mess, but Ishan was too captivated by her beauty to care about the stain on his shirt.

"I'm really sorry. I completely ruined your shirt," the girl said, her voice filled with genuine remorse.

It's alright, really. It was just an accident," Ishan replied, unable to tear his gaze away from her.

"But it's red wine on your white shirt!" she exclaimed, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Honestly, it's fine. It wasn't your fault," Ishan reassured her, offering a reassuring smile.

Later, Ishan managed to locate Hardik amidst the crowd.

"Whoa! What happened to your shirt?" Hardik exclaimed, eyeing the stained garment.

"Someone accidentally bumped into me," Ishan explained, feeling a pang of regret at the state of his attire.

"We haven’t even started taking pictures yet, and you've already ruined your outfit!" Hardik sighed, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

Just then, Sachin Tendulkar approached them.

"Hey, you're Ishan, right?" Sachin greeted, his warm smile putting Ishan at ease.

"Hello sir, it's an honor to meet you. I've always been a huge fan of your playing," Ishan replied, feeling a surge of excitement at being acknowledged by his idol.

"Thank you. I've seen your batting, you're a great talent. With the right guidance, you could become a significant asset for India," Sachin praised, his words filling Ishan with a sense of pride and determination.

Ishan felt a blush creep onto his cheeks at the compliment from Sachin Tendulkar himself. Just then, the pretty girl from earlier approached, her guilt evident in her eyes as she looped her arm through Sachin's.

"Oh, meet my daughter, Sara. Sara, this is Ishan, our new teammate in the franchise," Sachin introduced, gesturing between Ishan and his daughter.

"Um, hello. Nice to meet you," Sara greeted hesitantly, her gaze flickering between Ishan and the stained shirt.

"Hey, likewise," Ishan replied, flashing his trademark smile.

As they gathered for photos, Ishan discreetly distanced himself, using the excuse of his ruined shirt. He couldn't bear the thought of being immortalized in pictures with his stained garment, knowing they would undoubtedly be plastered all over the internet the next day.

After a long day of partying and mingling, Ishan collapsed onto his hotel bed, feeling utterly drained. Just as he was about to drift off to sleep, his phone buzzed with a notification from Instagram. Curious, he picked up his phone and saw that it was a like on one of his old photos, from none other than Sara Tendulkar.

But when he opened the photo, the like was nowhere to be found. Ishan furrowed his brow, wondering if it was just a glitch or if Sara had accidentally tapped the like button while scrolling through his profile. The thought of Sara potentially stalking his profile seemed unlikely, but Ishan couldn't shake off the Curiosity.

Deciding to investigate further, Ishan found himself scrolling through Sara's Instagram feed. He was struck by the breathtaking travel photos and the genuine smile that adorned her face in every picture. Despite knowing it was probably just a harmless accident, Ishan found himself lingering on her profile for longer than he intended, captivated by her beauty and zest for life.

Eventually, Ishan mustered up the courage to send a message to Sara. "Hey Sara, did you happen to like one of my old photos by mistake?"

A few moments later, Sara replied, "Oh, sorry about that! I think the notification must have disappeared. It was definitely a mistake."

Relieved, Ishan couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at the thought that Sara might not have intentionally liked his photo. But before he could dwell on it further, Sara sent another message.

"By the way, I wanted to thank you for being such a good sport at the party earlier. I know it must have been tough with the stained shirt, but you handled it really well."

Ishan smiled at the unexpected compliment. "Thanks, Sara. It was definitely a memorable night, despite the mishap. But I have to admit, I was wondering why you were looking through my old photos."

Sara chuckled, her reply coming in swiftly. "I wasn't stalking, I promise! Actually, I wanted to show you something."

Curious, Ishan waited for Sara to send the next message. Moments later, his phone pinged with a notification. It was a group photo of the franchise, but with a clever edit – Ishan had been seamlessly added to the picture, his stained shirt miraculously cleaned up.

"Wow, that's amazing! How did you do that?" Ishan exclaimed, impressed by Sara's editing skills.

"Just a little Photoshop magic," Sara replied with a wink emoji. "I thought you deserved to be in the photo with the rest of the team. You're part of the family now, stain or no stain."

Ishan felt a warmth spread through his chest at Sara's gesture. "Thanks, Sara. That means a lot to me."

As they continued chatting, Ishan couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of connection with Sara. Maybe their accidental encounter at the party wasn't just a coincidence after all.

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