Chapter 8

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"Chapel!Why The hell would they send a location of a Chapel!Is there any common friend getting married!"-Rohit asked, tensed.

"Let's go to the location and find out. Rohit, you stay here. Let me and Shiraj go and check," Surya volunteered, sensing that Rohit's anxious demeanor might make the situation more worse.

"Alright, but be quick. And everyone else, stay in the hotel until the flight. If anyone goes out wandering, I'll personally handle them," Rohit warned sternly.

Everyone nodded in agreement and retreated to their respective rooms.

As Surya and Shiraj made their way to the chapel, their minds raced with various possibilities.

"It could be a prank," Surya suggested, voicing one of their concerns. "Or maybe they're just hiding out in the hotel somewhere."

"Or perhaps they're attending a wedding and got lost on the way back," Shiraj added, considering another scenario.

"Or their phones might have been stolen, and they're unable to contact us," Surya speculated, trying to anticipate all the potential reasons for their disappearance.

When Surya and Shiraj arrived at the chapel, they were greeted by a scene they never could have imagined in a million years.

Beside the garden, on a bench, Shubman and Ishan lay sound asleep. Ishan's head rested gently on Shubman's shoulder, while Shubman, in turn, leaned his head against Ishan's, their bodies curled towards each other as if seeking warmth and comfort.

For a moment, Surya and Shiraj stood in stunned silence, taking in the sight before them.

"Would you look at that," Shiraj whispered, a hint of awe in his voice. "Who would have thought?"

Surya nodded in agreement, his expression softening as he observed the unexpected tenderness between Ishan and Shubman. "They look like they've been through quite an adventure."

As they approached the sleeping pair, Surya couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. Despite their initial fears and worries, it was clear that Ishan and Shubman were safe and sound.

"Let's wake them up gently," Surya suggested, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "They might have a good story to tell."

Ishan stirred awake, his head throbbing with a persistent ache as someone shook his shoulder and called his name repeatedly.

"Fuck!" Ishan muttered, his voice thick with sleep and discomfort.

"Yes, fuck indeed! Now open your eyes," the voice persisted, its tone familiar to Ishan's ears.

"Surya Bhai?" Ishan mumbled, his eyes fluttering open slowly as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

As his vision cleared, Ishan realized he was nestled against a deeply sleeping Shubman, their bodies intertwined in an unconscious embrace. Carefully, he began to extricate himself from their curled-up position, which in turn stirred Shubman awake.

The sudden movement caused Shubman to blink drowsily, his eyes adjusting to the light as he gradually became aware of their surroundings.

"Hey, Surya Bhai, Mia, what are you two doing here?" Shubman questioned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he tried to piece together the situation.

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