Chapter 7

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Ishan felt really happy that Shubman decided to become his friend. If Shubman hadn't taken that step, Ishan might have missed out on having a good friend like him.But now that Shubman did,Ishan now know,He would have miss out having a great friend.

Shubman was someone Ishan could talk to about anything. Whether they were practicing cricket or hitting the gym, Shubman's company made everything more enjoyable.

Even though Ishan wasn't sure about some of the things Shubman suggested at first, he realized that trying new things with Shubman often turned out to be fun. So, Ishan was glad to have Shubman as his friend, someone who encouraged him to step out of his comfort zone and enjoy life more.

Then there is Sara,Despite not being in a formal relationship and with Sara studying in London most of the time, Ishan and Sara deeply care for each other. They haven't started dating other people because of the bond they share.Ishan understands that their situation is often termed as a "situationship," but he prefers not to label it by that.Call him old-school, Ishan doesn’t like that term.

So this was how Ishan's life was going,a pretty girl in his court and a handsome bestfriend in his life.A win-win situation.

On Shubman's side,Shubman found himself in a tough spot when his old camp buddies accused him of betraying them by hanging out with Ishan.

""How can you be friends with Ishan?" they confronted him.

"Why not? Ishan's actually a good guy, and half the stuff you've heard about him isn't true," Shubman defended.

"So you're taking his side now?" they retorted.

"I'm just stating the facts. Give Ishan a chance; you might actually like him," Shubman proposed.

"Or are you just trying to cozy up to people in the limelight now that you're getting attention too?" one of them sneered.

Shubman felt a pang of hurt at the accusation. After that encounter, he distanced himself from his old friends, realizing their negativity was toxic.

"Ishan's far more positive. He's always so upbeat and handles situations with grace," Shubman thought.

Shubman and Ishan's life completely changed when two main stream player couldn’t play on an international series and they were taken in the team.

In plane,their seat was side by side.As Shubman and Ishan settled into their seats on the plane, excitement and nervousness pulsed through their veins. This was their big break, their chance to shine on the international stage.

"So, Shubman, you seeing anyone special back home?" Ishan asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Shubman chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Nah, man, I'm still flying solo. Haven't found the right one yet, I guess."

Ishan nodded sympathetically, understanding the struggle of balancing cricketing commitments with personal relationships. "Yeah, I get it. It's tough to find someone who understands this crazy cricketing life."

Their conversation then turned to Ishan's love life, or lack thereof. Ishan confessed his feelings for Sara, but also admitted that they weren't officially together yet.

"I really care about Sara, man. She's something special," Ishan said, a hint of longing in his voice. "I've been thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend after this series, you know, make it official."

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